NEA Grant 2011-2012

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In 2011, Pacifica Radio Archives received a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to preserve 150 programs from our vaults, with preservation assistance from George Blood Audio and Video in Philadelphia, PA. The resulting collection encompasses an eclectic array of programs, some of which were only very recently discovered by PRA staff. Among some of the many highlights of the collection are a WBAI interview with Andy Warhol about his film Chelsea Girls shortly after the film's release in 1968; poet, activist and scholar Sonia Sanchez delivering two speeches at Cal State Long Beach in 1992; actuality of gay activists marching through NYC's West Village to protest the shooting of William Friedkin's Cruising; a KPFA interview with acclaimed bass opera singer Elfego Esparza; a report on the role of video games in American culture from 1982; and many, many more. Where previous grant projects have focused on specific themes and topics in our collection, the NEA 2011 collection represents the sheer depth and breadth of Pacifica's vaults, a place where over sixty years of history, politics, and the arts blend together. We are pleased to once again partner with the Internet Archive to bring this unique collection to a wider audience.

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This project is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts.