Liberty, equality, and fraternity (Episode 3 of 14)

On women's view of their role in Colonial life. Contains dramatic readings of Benjamin Franklin's "The Speech of Polly Baker," excerpts from the letters of Abigail Adams, and Charles Brockden Brown's "Alcuin: a Dialogue." Episode three of the 14-episode series produced and broadcast on KPFA by Virginia Maynard and Charles Levy from 1958 to 1959.

A Woman speaks: Anne Hutchison (Episode 2 of 14)

Dramatization of Anne Hutchison's trial for non-orthodox religious activities in colonial Massachusetts. Episode two of the 14-episode series produced and broadcast on KPFA by Virginia Maynard and Charles Levy from 1958 to 1959. The series was written and directed by Virginia Maynard and produced by Maynard and Chuck Levy, narrated by Levy, and engineered by David Talcott and James Cano.

The Negro lawyer in the South

James R. Walker, Jr. of the North Carolina Bar speaks before the session devoted to the lawyer's role in the battle to eliminate racial segregation, at the National Lawyer's Guild Convention in San Francisco, 1960. Walker speaks on his struggles as a Negro lawyer in the South and experiences fighting legal battles against discrimination in North Carolina.

The unions and discrimination

This is a recording of the floor debate at the 1959 National AFL-CIO convention regarding a resolution for the brotherhoods of trainmen and locomotive firemen and enginemen to bring their unions in line with the civil rights provision of the AFL-CIO's constitution. There was much protest of the resolution, because it had no time limit on ending racial discrimination.

On the power of peaceful persuasion speech by Martin Luther King Jr.

Speech by Martin Luther King, Jr. on the use of nonviolence in the civil rights movement recorded at the University of California, Berkeley. Introduced by U.C. Berkeley's Dean Hart and interviewed by Charles Levy. Dr. King opens his speech with a history of Africans in America, starting with the year 1619. He moves to the years 1955 and 1956, focusing on the Montgomery bus boycott.

California's water problem / produced by Robert Tideman.

A symposium on water and the 1960 state bond designed to prepare California for the water demands of the future.
r.1. History of California water search -- r.2. Role of water in California's development -- r.3. Various water plans -- r.4. Differences between northern and southern California -- r.5. The 160-acre limit -- r.6. Varying effects of water development projects.
r.1. History of California water search -- r.2. Role of water in California's development -- r.3. Various water plans -- r.4. Differences between northern and southern California -- r.5. The 160-acre limit -- r.6. Varying effects of water development projects.
Displaying items 1351 - 1360 of 2241


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