Revolt of Mother (Episode 10 of 14)

Dramatization of Mary E. Wilkins Freeman's story The Revolt of "Mother" (1890), concerning a woman in rural New England rejecting the role imposed upon her by her husband. This is the tenth episode of the fourteen-episode series produced and broadcast on KPFA by Virginia Maynard and Charles Levy from 1958 to 1959.

The womanly woman (Episode 9 of 14)

This recording centers on a story about a woman aboard ship with a group of men. The scene is taken from The Lady of The Aroostook written by William Dean Howells in 1879. This is the ninth episode of the fourteen-episode series produced and broadcast on KPFA by Virginia Maynard and Charles Levy from 1958 to 1959.

The Nineteenth century Minerva (Episode 7 of 14)

Examination of Margaret Fuller and her writings which call for greater women's rights, including a reading of an excerpt of The Blithesdale Romance by Nathaniel Hawthorne. This is the seventh in of the 14-episode series produced and broadcast on KPFA by Virginia Maynard and Charles Levy from 1958 to 1959.

Cops and robbers IIIB: Crime and punishment in California

Assemblyman John Vasconcellos of Santa Clara County and Robin Lamson discuss proposed legislation for reducing prison sentences and Lamson's report "Crime and penalties in California" prepared by the Assembly Office of Research for the Assembly Committee on Criminal Procedure. Herb Kutchins of San Francisco Bail Project moderates. Part 2 of 2.

Whistlin' girls (Episode 6 of 15)

Dramatization of the Lucy Stone legend and the problems facing women who seek to be heard at public gatherings (ca. 1834). Episode six out of fourteen in the series. The series was written and directed by Virginia Maynard and produced by Maynard and Chuck Levy, narrated by Levy, and engineered by David Talcott.

Revolution (Episode 5 of 14)

On the beginnings of feminist organizing in the mid 19th century, with a dramatization of the first women's rights convention and Elizabeth Cady Stanton reading a new "Declaration of Independence for Women." Also contains readings of some of the negative newspaper coverage of the Seneca Falls Convention. This is the fifth episode of fourteen in the series.
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