To make a difference / Otto Butz interviewed by Elsa Knight Thompson.

Professor Otto Butz of the Department of Social Science at San Francisco State College is interviewed by Elsa Knight Thompson about the book which he has edited, To Make a Difference, published in January 1967 by Harper & Row. The book grew out of a series of talks by SF State College students, originally broadcast in 1966 on KPFA.

Myths of femininity and motherhood / moderated by Eve Merriam (Episode 8 of 15)

Panel discussion about myths of femininity and masculinity in motherhood and fatherhood at the Challenge to Women: The Biological Avalanche conference held in San Francisco on January 23, 1965. The father-daughter relationship, the development of new roles for women, and the meaning of love are discussed by the panelists.

Gandhi invades the South / Edward Keating, Ira Sandperl, and Roy Kepler.

The panel discusses the use of nonviolence by Southern Blacks in the Civil Rights movement. This is the last in a series of five programs moderated by Edward Keating, editor of Ramparts magazine. The participants in the programs are Ira Sandperl, head of the Institute for the Study of Non-Violence, and Roy Kepler, who has long been active in the peace movement.

Tune-in on Sacramento: crisis in the state colleges

A panel discussion on the past, present and future of the California State College system in light of the current financial crisis. Participants are Sacramento State College professors Harry Aron, psychology; Leonard Cain, sociology; Marc Tool, economics; James Lucas, psychology; and Ross Koen, Legislative Advocate for the Association of California State College Professors.

Race, class, and politics

C. Wilson Record, professor of sociology at Sacramento State College and race relations consultant speaks on "Race, class, and politics." Followed by question and answer period. Record wrote The Negro and the Communist party (1951), Race and radicalism (1964), and authored Little Rock, U.S.A. (1960) with his wife Jane Cassels Record.

Philistinism and the Negro writer

Poet and playwright LeRoi Jones (a.k.a. Amiri Baraka) delivers a speech at the Negro Writers Conference at Asilomar. Discusses the moral foundation for a writer, followed by a question and answer period.

The Courts : correlations and contradictions

This is a recording of San Francisco attorney Howard Nemerovski in a studio recording of a talk given at the San Francisco Jewish Community Center in the series "Civil Rights: Problems, People, and Perspective." Talk on the legal aspects of Black Civil rights from 1863 to the 1954 Supreme Court decision on school segregation.

The South wants to help, too (Part 1 of 2)

This is the first part of a set of speeches delivered at a banquet held in Jackson, Mississippi on June 17, three days after the funeral of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People leader Medgar Evars. The banquet was held to launch the Southern Committee to Elect the Next President of the United States.

Staff discussion / John Cogley and Alexander Meiklejohn (Episode 8, Part 1 of 2)

LAW AND SOCIETY / John Cogley and Alexander Meiklejohn. Discussion of the importance of the court system in American society. BROADCAST: KPFA, 2 Apr. 1964. KPFA Folio note suggests this program is the first of two programs examining the 1962 and 1963 decisions banning religious exercises in public schools. The discussion is led by John Cogley.
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