Thinking of suicide / Bernard Mayes interviewed by Elsa Knight Thompson

Bernard Mayes was an ordained Episcopal priest, a volunteer radio producer at KPFA, and the founder of the first suicide prevention hotline in America, started in San Francisco in 1963. Mayes published his autobiography Escaping God's Closet: The Revelations of a Queer Priest through the University of Virginia Press in 2001.

Beyond the Black metropolis

Sociologist and author Horace Cayton interviewed by Jack Nessel. Discussion of the status of Blacks in the United States, the development of a Black culture, and Cayton's friendship and time in Chicago with African American author Richard Wright.

A great experience / moderated by Elsa Knight Thompson

Toli Genin, Xavier Brocks, and Derrel Myers and Tom Mage discuss their experiences in a commune experience called the Encampment for Citizenship, which is held on the University of Washington campus each summer. The panelists are from varying backgrounds and places in the country.

Grow old with 17 million others / Clark Tibbitts interviewed by Elsa Knight Thompson

Dr. Clark Tibbitts, Deputy director of the Special Staff on Aging, a staff agency to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, discusses the social conditions of Americans over 65 with Elsa Knight Thompson. The Special Staff on Aging is a part of the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. RECORDED: 27 Sept. 1962. BROADCAST: KPFA Nov. 13, 1962 and WBAI, 29 Jan.

Why the Muslim movement:Chuck McDew interview

Elsa Knight Thompson interviews chairman of the then-new Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee member Chuck McDew. They discuss the Black Muslim movement in the U.S., particularly how it is a reaction to generations of white racism.

The biologist and the utility

Elsa Knight Thompson and Joan McIntyre interview John Brian "Joe" Neilands, professor of biochemistry at the University of California, Berkeley, on his petition for a rehearing before the State Public Utilities Commission on the nuclear reactor proposed for Bodega Bay. Dr.

Women strike for peace / discussion moderated by Elsa Knight Thompson

A panel of women organizing for peace are moderated by Elsa Knight Thompson. They all received and responded to a form letter from Dagmar Wilson, urging them to spread the word to all of their contacts regarding disarmament. Frances Herring is the only participant identified by both first and last name. The other women on the panel are Mrs. Druckman, Mrs. Trowbridge, and Mrs.
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