The Wonderful world of law and order

Actor-playwright Ossie Davis at the conference "The Negro writer in the United States," sponsored by the University of California Extension school.
"The Negro writer in the United States" was a five-day seminar hosted by the University of California at Berkeley Extension Program, held at the Asilomar State Park in California, August 5-9, 1964.

Symposium on Richard Wright

Herbert Hill, Horace Cayton, Arna Bontemps, and Saunders Redding, who all knew Richard Wright well, try to recreate him through their reminiscences. Taped at the Asilomar Negro Writers Conference in California, August 1964.

Hutchins on Zukerkandl / Dr. Robert M. Hutchins and Joseph P. Lyford.

Discussion.|HUTCHINS ON ZUKERKANDL / Dr. Robert Hutchins| interviewed by Joseph P. Lyford. Dr. Robert Hutchins discusses the unpublished documents of Dr. Zukerkandl. - Restricted distribution rights. - RECORDED: Mar. 1963. BROADCAST: KPFA, 10 Apr. 1963. Same recording as BB4606?

Ralph Gleason interviewing Dick Gregory

Humorist and writer Dick Gregory discusses his participation in the Civil Rights movement. Ralph Gleason, San Francisco Chronicle columnist, conducted the interview at the KPFA studios shortly after Mr. Gregory arrived in San Francisco to keep a nightclub engagement. He had just been “parading without a permit” in Birmingham, Alabama.
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