Reverend Wyatt T. Walker

This is a three-part program on Administrative director of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Reverend Walker during his Civil Rights activism. On Saturday, May 25, 1963 Walker spoke at a series of meetings in the Bay Area, sponsored jointly by the California Democratic Council, Committee Of Racial Equality, and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
KPFA allowed for several "open hours" in their schedule every month, which they describe in their Folio as "left vacant for something current and important."

Report from the south - James Bevel

In the summer of 1963, KPFA, KPFK, and WBAI scheduled regular hours for news updates "from the South" from their correspondent Dale Minor. This particular update follows an arrest of civil rights activist Hosea Williams and the ensuing demonstrations and violence in Savannah, Georgia.

Growth of the Black Muslim movement in the U.S. / C. Eric Lincoln.

Scholar and minister C. Eric Lincoln delivers a speech on the growing black nationalist movement. Lincoln divides his talk into sections entitled "The magnolia myth," "The making of the Muslim movement," and an unnamed analysis of the current black Muslim movement.

Polaris into ploughshares

Reports on a demonstration at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard in Vallejo, California. Burton White and Alex Hoffman cover events at Vallejo, the conclusion of a 600 mile peace march organized by CNVA (Committee for Non-Violent Action) West. Twelve protesters declare their intention to go onto the base and talk with shipyard workers.

Women for peace at Geneva / produced by Elsa Knight Thompson

Elsa Knight Thompson interviews three Bay Area women who have just returned from the disarmament conference in Geneva. They were part of a group of 50 American women who went to the disarmament conference under the auspices of Women For Peace to urge the 17 nations assembled to take positive steps toward world peace. 1. Fred Haines reads an excerpt of I.F.

Eldridge Cleaver at Sacramento State

An address by the Black Panther Minister of Information and 1968 Presidential nominee for the Peace & Freedom Party at the Racism in America symposium held at Sacramento State College in 1968. He covers a variety of subjects, including the 1968 elections, the telephone company, Social Analysis 139-X, the Panther office shoot-up, and the police and court systems.

How to be sane though negro

San Francisco State semanticist (not African American) Dr. S. I. Hayakawa discusses the problem of self-fulfilling prophecies for American Blacks. Recorded at San Francisco State College on April 22, 1956.

210,000 children

210,000 children every year receive help through the Aid to Needy Children (ANC) program. This discussion was recorded at the United Community Fund of San Francisco meeting on ANC. Moderated by Judge Robert Kroninger of the Oakland Municipal Court (chairman, ANC Committee, California Association for Health and Welfare).

The East Bay Activities Center / moderated by Elsa Knight Thompson

The East Bay Activities Center was established as a non-profit organization in 1952 and held forth as its mission to serve emotionally disturbed children of normal intelligence between the ages of 5 and 12. This is a panel discussion on this unique Bay Area experiment in dealing with disturbed children. Elsa Knight Thompson moderates, and the participants are Mrs.

The sit-ins and the New South

Priscilla Stephens, winner of the Gandhi Award from the National Congress of Racial Equality gives a first-hand account of the student protests in Florida, speaking under the auspices of SLATE at University of California.
Displaying items 831 - 840 of 2241


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