Education and the Mexican-American

Y. Arturo Cabrera, State Vice President of the Association of Mexican-American Educators, speaking at Sacramento State College October 3, 1968 at the Symposium on Racism in America: Past, Present, and Future.
Tape Library Title: "The Educational Needs of the Chicanos"

The Image of America and the Negro abroad

St. Clair Drake, professor of sociology and head of the department of African Affairs at Roosevelt University and co-author with Horace Cayton of Black Metropolis, discusses "The Negro and the American image abroad," talking on the various types of discrimination Blacks experience around the world.

Race: an absurd classification

This is a recording of William McCord, associate professor of sociology at Stanford University, author of "Origins of Crime," speaking on "Race: an abused classification," in which he explains the biological characteristics that designate race in twentieth century Homo sapiens and suggests that the African American is not a race but a caste.

Social consequences of discrimination

Historian and author Peter I. Rose delivers a talk on the social turmoil caused by discrimination, and on the efforts to end segregation. Rose is a professor of history and sociology at Smith College and the University of Massachusetts, and the author of “They and We: Racial and Ethnic Relations in the United States.”

Emerging patterns of discrimination

Leon Litwack is a historian, associate professor of history at University of Wisconsin, author of the book North of Slavery: the Negro in the free states, 1790-1860, and at the time this speech was delivered, was about to begin a term as visiting professor at University of California, Berkeley.

Africa and the new identity

Harold Isaacs, Senior Research Associate at the Center for International Studies at MIT, delivers a talk called "Africa and the New Identity." In this talk, Isaacs speaks on renewed Black interest and pride in their African heritage.

Rachel Carson : a memorial appreciation

A memorial program for biologist Rachel Carson (1907 - 1964), author of "Silent spring," "The sea around us," "Under the sea wind," and other books. Contains readings from her books that outlined her activism against the use of harmful pesticides, as well as responses from both her detractors and supporters in the media.

Are the adults listening? / moderated by Abigail Van Buren. (Episode 3 of 3)

This recording is the last of three panels recorded at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center's conference "The Uncertain Quest: The Teenagers' World" on March 22, 1964. The panel consists of teenager and adult conference participants introduced as Keith Martin, Nina Milling, Mike Music, Gayle Williams, Marvin Boxley, Dr. Robert Coles, Dr.

Louis Lomax in San Francisco

Louis E. Lomax addresses a rally in San Francisco in late August 1963 of the United San Francisco Freedom Movement, on Black Civil Rights, and the need for inter-racial cooperation. KPFA allowed for several "open hours" in their schedule every month, which they describe in their Folio as "left vacant for something current and important."
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