An educator's credo

Dr. Neil Sullivan, superintendent of the Berkeley schools, discusses his view of school desegregation. Recorded at the annual conference of the Association for the Education of Young Children, meeting at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco.

Martin Luther King at Santa Rita

After Joan Baez, her mother, and Ira Sandperl were incarcerated at Santa Rita prison in California after an anti-war demonstration at the Oakland induction center, Martin Luther King, Jr. came to Santa Rita and spoke first to the imprisoned activists and then the supporters and activists outside. This is a recording of the public speech recorded on January 14, 1968.

Abortion: a world view / Leslie Corsa, Jr.

Leslie Corsa, Jr., M.D., Director of the Center for Population Planning at the University of Michigan, speaks at the Conference on Abortion and Human Rights in San Francisco January 9, 1966, discussing the need for liberalized abortion laws. The conference was held under the auspices of the Society for Humane Abortion. Technical production by Dan McClosky.

Coretta Scott King

Coretta Scott King (1927 - 2006) delivers a speech on the civil rights movement at a peace march in Central Park, New York on April 27th, 1968. The march took place three weeks after the assassination of King's husband, Martin Luther King, Jr.

James Bevel on Black power

Reverend James Bevel of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference speaks on non-violence and the battle for Civil Rights at the Conference on Black Power, sponsored by the Students for a Democratic Society October 29, 1966 on Berkeley campus.

Your end of the boat is sinking: the problem of population / Paul Ehrlich

Excerpts from an address on the population crisis by Paul R. Ehrlich, Professor of Biology at Stanford, delivered to the Stanford Summer Alumni College on August 3, 1967. Ehrlich discusses man's attempts to manipulate ecosystems and our environment, the effect our energy consumption has on the earth, and the effect that decreasing the birth rate could have on our species.

The ethics of sexual freedom / Joseph Fletcher

Joseph Fletcher, S.T.D., Professor of Social Ethics at the Episcopal Theology School, Cambridge, Mass., and author of the controversial book "Situation Ethics: The New Morality," gives a talk entitled "The Ethics of Sexual Freedom" at the "The Pill and the Puritan Ethic" symposium held in San Francisco on February 11, 1967. He talks on the movement for sexual expression in the United States.

Sexual freedom: the middle road / Lester Kirkendall

Dr. Lester Kirkendall, Professor of Family Life at Oregon State University and author of "The Problems of Remaining a Virgin," gives a talk entitled "Sexual Freedom: The Middle Road" at the "The Pill and the Puritan Ethic" symposium held in San Francisco on February 12, 1967. His talk attacks both the Puritan right and the libertine left on the problem of sexual ethics.

Nikki Bridges interviewed by Sidney Roger

In this recording, Sidney Roger interviews the wife of labor leader Harry Bridges, Nikki Bridges, Bay Area chairwoman of the Jeannette Rankin Brigade, a coalition of women and organizations formed to go to Washington on January 15, 1968 to present their petition to redress grievances against Congress for the continuation of the Vietnam war.

Education goals for ghetto schools

Superintendent of Berkeley Public Schools Dr. Neil Sullivan talks on the problems of desegregation and equality in education. The speech was delivered in San Francisco on September 22, 1966. Dr. Sullivan is a noted educator, author, lecturer, and columnist. In 1963, he reopened the Prince Edwards County, Virginia public schools, which had been closed for several years to avoid desgregation.
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