Terry Cooper speaks (Episode 11 of 12)

Terry Cooper speaking at Bobby Hutton Memorial Park on July 20, 1969 on Black political activity at the United Front Against Fascism conference called by the Black Panther Party. (Recorded outdoors, bad wind noise)

People's health and fascism (Episode 10 of 12)

Dr. Richard Fine of the Medical Committee for Human Rights speaks on the health danger of a repressive government at the United Front Against Fascism conference called by the Black Panther Party. Recorded in Oakland, 1969-07-20. Contains obscenities.

Charles Garry speaks (Episode 9 of 12)

Attorney Charles Garry speaking on Black political and legal rights at the United Front Against Fascism conference called by the Black Panther Party. Recorded in Oakland, 1969-07-19. Originally aired during KPFA's open hour, 1969-08-11.

Jeff Jones speaks (Episode 6 of 12)

Jeff Jones of Students for a Democratic Society outlines the changes needed in American society at the United Front Against Fascism conference called by the Black Panther Party. Recorded at the conference 1969-07-19. Originally aired during KPFA's open hour on 1969-08-04.

Ron Dellums speaks (Episode 5 of 12)

Ron Dellums, Berkeley City Councilman outlines directions for change in American society at the conference called by the Black Panther Party for a United Front Against Fascism.

William Kunstler speaks (Episode 4 of 12)

Militant speech on the need for radical change in America. Bill Kunstler, one of the lawyers defending the New York 21, speaking at the conference called by the Black Panther party for a United Front Against Fascism. Kunstler speaks on right of self defense from legal and political points of view, advocates gun ownership, and tells of the death of an undercover cop.

Modern contraceptive techniques / moderated by Dr. W. Dieter Bergman

Seminar on "Modern Contraceptive Techniques" held by the Planned Parenthood Association of Alameda County at Kaiser Center in Oakland on April 10, 1969. Dr. W. Dieter Bergman introduces the seminar and speaker Dr. Alan Guttmacher. Dr. Donald H. Minkler introduces the next several speakers, each speaking on a specific contraceptive technique. First is Dr.

What's the panic: pollution and birth control / Dr. Paul Ehrlich

Dr. Paul Ehrlich, Stanford professor and author of "The Population Bomb" talks about pollution and birth control. Recorded at a Human Ecology Symposium held at Fullerton Junior College on April 18, 1969. Originally aired during KPFA's open hour on September 1, 1969.

Sappho / read by Beryl Grafton

Sappho. The lyrics of the Greek poetess born between 615-612 BC are read by Beryl Grafton, accompanied by Daniel Moore on the harp.

Marianne Moore at Berkeley.

Poet Marianne Moore (1887 - 1972) speaks to and reads her poems to an audience at the University of California, Berkeley.
Displaying items 731 - 740 of 2241


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