Military gas (Episode 3 of 8)

As the battle for People's Park continued, the California National Guard was called to Berkeley. Its equipment included helicopters which patrolled the city and on May 20, 1969, one of the helicopters was used to drop tear gas over Sproul Plaza on the Berkeley campus.

Strategy for People's Park (Episode 2 of 8)

Excerpts from a mass meeting about the battle for People's Park held at Merritt College in Oakland on the evening of May 16, 1969. The meeting was originally sponsored by the Berkeley Coalition. Those attending it voted to have a member of the People's Park Negotiating Committee, Frank Bardacke, chair the meeting.

The battle for People's Park: round one (Episode 1 of 8)

A documentary of Bloody Thursday, May 15, 1969, in Berkeley when the University of California built a fence around a plot of land it owned which had been changed from a muddy lot to a People's Park by members of the community. Students and other supporters of the user-developed park demonstrated on campus and Telegraph Avenue to protest the University's actions.

Karate : women's liberation demonstration.

Members of Women's Liberation, determined to impress the University of California, Berkeley officials of their seriousness, staged a demonstration at Harmon Gymnasium, the school's men's gym, demanding to be allowed to enter the class in Karate.  The protestors were met by the police who refused to allow them into the room where the course was being taught.

Soledad : a place we own.

Documentary on the killing of three Black prisoners and a white guard in Soledad prison; includes statements by Phrasel Sheldon, Willie Brown, Bill Greene, M. Dymally, and Fay Stender.

Blacks and the jury system / moderated by Elsa Knight Thompson

A panel discussion on the problems of being Black or Mexican-American under current jury procedures, with Fay Stender, Berkeley attorney, Carl Metoyer, president of the Alameda County Bar Association, Robert Boags, president of the Charles Houston Law Club, and Dr. Philip Good, a statistical consultant who has done research on Black registration.

Sproul Hall sit-in documentation 1968 (Part 1 of 2)

Actuality of the anti-racism demonstration at the Berkeley campus. In the fall of 1968, students at University of California at Berkeley invited Black Panther leader Eldridge Cleaver to come to U.C. Berkeley to teach a course on racism.

Krishnamurti at Santa Cruz. (Episode 1 of 4, Part 1 of 2)

Series of talks expressing various aspects of his philosophy.
pt.1. Nature of pleasure and pain (2 reels : 77 min.) -- pt.2. Fear leads to conflict (2 reels : 81 min.) -- pt.3. Thought, love, and death (2 reels : 85 min.) -- pt.4. Religion and meditation (2 reels : 78 min.).

Just you and me / Joan Baez ; introduced by Thomas Trutner.

Joan Baez (Harris) addresses members of Pi Chi, a youth organization at Piedmont Community Church in the East Bay. In her speech, Baez points out the evils of the Vietnam War and addresses the tactic of nonviolence resistance. The preceding week, the group had heard Dr.

Religion vs. fascism seminar (Episode 12 of 12)

Portions of the Religion versus Fascism seminar held on Saturday, July 20, 1969 at Bobby Hutton Park in Oakland. The moderator is Reverend A. Cecil Williams of Glide Memorial Methodist Church in San Francisco. The speakers are Father Earl Neil of St.
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