One night in Newark

Report and actuality of a night of race rioting in Newark, New Jersey in July 1967. Produced by Mike Hodel from tapes recorded in Newark by Robert Ortiz and Ronnie Watkins.

Lilian Westphal reads selections from European literature

The distinguished Swiss actress in a program of readings in German and English. Miss Westphal presents first a selection of poems from Christian Morgenstern’s Gallows Songs, and secondly, a selection from Romulus, the Great by Friedrich Durrenmatt.

Margaret Mead on sexual freedom and cultural change.

A talk by Dr. Margaret Mead (1901 - 1978), noted author and anthropologist, on the shifts in culture brought about by sexual freedom, followed by a question-and-answer session. She discusses the term "sexual freedom" and its various meanings, talks about marriage in the American context, and probes the relationship between sex and marriage.

Emotional roots of racism

Dr. Price M. Cobbs, black psychiatrist and co-author with Dr. William Grier of the best-seller, "Black Rage," speaking at Sacramento State College October 2, 1968 during their symposium on "Racism in America." Introduced by Jack Livingston.

Dr. Herbert Aptheker discusses DuBois

Dr. Herbert Aptheker, Marxist writer and historian, in a speech on Dr. W. E. B. DuBois, delivered February 18, 1968 at the 30th anniversary meeting of the Communist Party newspaper People's World in San Francisco.

The unholy alliance / Edith Green

Speech given by Edith Green (1919-1987), Democratic Congresswoman from Oregon, at the 27th American Civil Liberties Union meeting of Northern California, on or around October 13, 1961. Presentation on findings in the Soviet Union and on the expanding network of right-wing political and religious groups in the United States.

The American woman / Felix Greene

The commentator is Felix Greene, journalist and producer for KPFA. Commentary: "The American Woman." Greene comments on the differences between American women and British women in such areas as public behavior with strangers, relations towards men, self image and appearance, femininity, and motherhood. Recorded April 12, 1955; broadcast April 19, 1963. Master by K. Winslow.

Parents against the draft / interviews by Lou Hartman

Lou Hartman talks with a psychiatrist, an electrical engineer, a teacher in a medical school, a housewife, and a professor of economics concerning their experiences in the Santa Rita Rehabilitation Center, growing out of their arrests at the Oakland Induction Center, where they sat in the doorway to demonstrate their opposition to the draft and the war in Vietnam.

Adam Clayton Powell in Berkeley

Adam Clayton Powell delivers a speech to 4,000 students in the lower plaza of the Student Union at the Berkeley Campus of the University of California, recorded on Friday, January 12, 1968. Powell speaks about Black power, and he speaks against the Vietnam war.
Displaying items 751 - 760 of 2241


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