Lenore Kandel and Stephen Vincent; introduced by Dave Gitty

POETS THEATRE / Lenore Kandel and Stephen Vincent read their own work. Miss Kandel also reads a statement of poetics and Mr. Vincent reads a selection from a novel by Babatunde Lawal, a young Nigerian author. Recorded as part of the weekly poetry series at the Straight Theater in San Francisco. David Gitin is the emcee. BROADCAST: KPFA, 17 September 1968. Contains sensitive language.

Dylan Thomas reads Sean O'Casey, Gerard Manley Hopkins, and Wilfred Owen.

Dylan Thomas (1914-1953) reads Chapter 1 of Sean O'Casey's autobiography "I Knock at the Door", Gerard Manley Hopkins' poem "The Leaden Echo and the Golden Echo, and Wilfred Owen's poem "Strange Meeting"(cut off) at the YM-YWHA Poetry Center on 92nd Street Y in New York City on May 15, 1952.

From Coconut Grove / Kenneth Anger and Susan Sontag.

John Cott, host of the Coconut Grove show on KPFA, and co-hosts Tom Luddy and Juris Svendsen interview Kenneth Anger about his latest film, "Lucifer Rising." At the time of the interview, Anger had not yet begun shooting Lucifer Rising; he discusses his vision for the film as a sequel to "Scorpio Rising", talks about the film's magick symbolism.

Reies Tijerina : leader of the Alianza

Reies Lopez Tijerina, a Chicano leader who heads a Mexican-American movement to reclaim hereditary land grants confiscated by the United States government, talks with Elsa Knight Thompson. The group Tijerina heads is called Federal Alliance of Free City-States, more commonly known as the North New Mexico six-county land grant movement.

The church and Berkeley School integration

This is a special radio panel discussion regarding the role of organized religion in the decision by the Berkeley Board of Education to integrate the city's elementary schools beginning in September 1968. The panelists are the Reverend James Comfort Smith of the St. John's Presbyterian Church, Reverend Paul Schaffer of the Lutheran Church of the Cross, Dr.
Note from box cover: "Beauchamp pronounced Bee'-chum"

The internment of Japanese-Americans after Pearl Harbor

This is a reading of a manuscript written by Isao Fujimoto in which he combines personal reflections on the wartime internment of 110,000 Japanese-Americans and its relevance to the issues of dissent and civil liberties today. Dr. Fujimoto is Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Behavioral Sciences and Sociology at University of California, Davis.
Previous title: "The Failure of Democracy in a Time of Crisis"
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