Delano now / Dolores C. Huerta ; interviewed by Elsa Knight Thompson.

Dolores C. Huerta (1930 - ), Vice President of the United Farm Workers and Director of Contract Negotiations, discusses the negotiations centering on the 1965 Delano grape strike with KPFA's Elsa Knight Thompson. They discuss the UFW's negotiations with the produce industry, as well as the state of the grape boycott.

The battle for People's Park revisited (Episode 8 of 8, Part 1 of 2)

On May 30, 1969 there was a massive, peaceful march through Berkeley in which people from all over California and from other states as well participated to show their support for the user-developed People's Park. This program examines the last two weeks of May 1969 and asks "Why did it happen?"and "Where are we one year later?".

Teach-in on the implications of People's Park (Episode 7 of 8, Part 1 of 2)

On May 28, 1969, two weeks after the first street fighting in connection with People's Park, there was an all-day teach-in entitled "The Politics of Ecology" at Lower Sproul Plaza on the University of California, Berkeley campus, which was broadcast live on KPFA. Speakers addressed themselves to various aspects of the Park - urban planning, ecology, politics.

Women's liberation in Vietnam / Janet Salaff

A talk on the relationship between the Vietnam War, the revolutionary struggle, and the role of women in Asia, given by Janet Salaff, professor of sociology at U.C. Berkeley to a March 5, 1970 symposium on the origins of the Vietnam War. The symposium, held on the U.C. Berkeley campus, was sponsored by the Radical Students' Union, the Student Mobilization Committee, and campus SDS.

Abolish the Peace Corps / moderated by Elsa Knight Thompson

A panel discussion with three former Peace Corps volunteers Joseph Sklar (Peace Corps in Peru, Venezuela, Guatemala), Bonnie Strote (Peace Corps in Peru), and Frances Ryan (Peace Corps in Honduras) of the Committee of Returned Volunteers. Elsa Knight Thompson moderates this discussion of the problems within the Peace Corps system.

East Germany and Europe / Helga Lohr-Bailey interviewed by Elsa Knight Thompson

Helga Lohr-Bailey, who lived for ten years in East Germany, tells Elsa Knight Thompson about life there and the complex network of relationships between the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) and the rest of Europe as well as the "Big Powers." RECORDED: 4 Feb. 1970. BROADCAST: KPFA, 6 April 1970. Originally broadcast on KPFA's open hour.

The oppression of women (Series record)

Series record for teach in "The Oppression of Women." Includes speeches on various aspects of discrimination against women in American society. Recorded at San Francisco State College December 10, 1969. r.1. Socialization : the pink blanket routine / Brenda Brush (17 min.) -- r.2. The Psychology of inferiority / Norma Haan (15 min.) -- r.3.

The Delano grape strike and Cesar Chavez

Cesar Chavez, President of the National Farm Workers Association, spoke in Berkeley under the auspices of Citizens for Farm Labor on January 5, 1966 about the progress of the Delano Grape Strike and the history of the Association. He is introduced by Henry Anderson, Chairman of Citizens for Farm Labor.
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