X-ray procedures and Black people

Chester Aaron, chief technologist of the X-ray department at Alta Bates Hospital in Berkeley, discusses the common practice of giving Blacks heavier exposure during X-ray procedures. The interviewers are Dennis Lawrence, producer of KPFA's "Science Report," and Don Porsche, news director at KPFA.

An integrated project in Georgia

Charles M. Sherrod, director of the Southwest Georgia Project, and Joe Pfister, a University of California graduate and a fieldworker for the project, talk with Elsa Knight Thompson about their efforts towards integration in housing and their community. Mr.

Cops and robbers II: Transsexuals and the police

Three transsexuals discuss police problems and their work as members of C.O.G., Conversion our Goal, with Police Community Relations Officer Elliot Blackstone of the San Francisco Police Department. Herb Kutchins of the San Francisco Bail Project moderates.

Conference on racism in the law ; no.1: Keynote address

On May 4, 1968, nine Bay Area legal organizations sponsored a conference on "Racism in the law" held at the Sheraton-Palace Hotel in San Francisco. This first of five recordings from that conference features the keynote address given by Judge George W. Crockett, Jr. of Recorder's County, Detroit, one of the only black judges in the nation at the time of the conference.

Stokely Carmichael on Black Power

Speech given by the chairman of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, Stokely Carmichael, on October 29, 1966, at the University of California, Berkeley, during the Black Power Conference sponsored by Students for a Democratic Society. Ivanhoe Donaldson introduces Mr. Carmichael.
Displaying items 1231 - 1240 of 2241


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