The Pill / Dr. Benjamin Major and Dr. Harold Williams

Dr. Ben Major and Dr. Harold Williams at Pauley Ballroom, U.C. Berkeley, December 3, 1969, debating over the birth control pill. Dr. Major from Planned Parenthood takes issue with Dr. Williams' book "The Pill In New Perspective: Pregnant or Dead." The two men debate over the moral and physical aspects of birth control pills. Dr.

NEW PAL / Ronald Pereira interviewed by Elsa Knight Thompson

Ronald Pereira, ex-heroin addict age 21, tells KPFA's Elsa Knight Thompson about a drug rehabilitation program which began in Santa Rita prison initiated by the inmates to help themselves, since no part of the correctional system was providing help with addiction. He describes its problems and objectives. The group is called NEW PAL, for Narcotics Elimination Work Practiced Among Losers.

Racism and the urban crisis / Shirley Chisholm.

Speech by Shirley Chisholm of New York, the nation's first Black Congresswoman, on racial tensions in large cities. Chisholm calls racism the "bugaboo of America" and calls for immediate action to attack racism at its roots. Her lecture was delivered at UC Berkeley on January 11, 1970.

Family planning : prejudice and politics / Dr. Bruce Jessup and Douglas Stewart.

The second session of the conference held at the U.C. Medical Center, San Francisco, September 14-15, 1968. Dr. Bruce Jessup of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare talks about programs in the United States. Douglas Stewart, director of community relations, Planned Parenthood World Population, speaks on the question of genocide.

A new kind of museum: the Exploratorium

Dr. Frank Oppenheimer, director of the new Exploratorium of the Palace of Arts and Science, located in the Palace of Fine Arts building in San Francisco, is interviewed by Elsa Knight Thompson of KPFA about the concepts behind the new museum and what one can expect to find there.

The Abortion handbook / Pat Maginnis ; interviewed by Elsa Knight Thompson.

Author Pat Maginnis, joint author with Lana Clark Phelan of The Abortion Handbook (Contact Books, 1969), discusses her book with Elsa Knight Thompson. They discuss the declining practice of midwifery, the religious and political forces driving anti-abortion sentiment, and how to change public perception of the practice of abortion.
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