Interview With A Medicine Man

Interview With A Medicine Man / Malidoma Some. - Malidoma Some, a Medicine Man from the Dagara peoples of Burkina Faso, discusses his grandfather's magical power, how he was forced to attend a Catholic boarding school, his subsequent escape and return to his own people and ways. Mr.

Myths Of Empire

Myths Of Empire / Alexander Cockburn. - Talk by political analyst and critic Alexander Cockburn. He discusses his recent trip to Washington D.C., complete with criticism of both the Republican controlled Congress and the weak policies of Bill Clinton.

Nonviolence In The Farm Workers Movement

Nonviolence In The Farm Workers Movement / Delores Huerta| introduced by Su Kapoor. - Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the United Farm Workers Union with Cesar Chavez, presents a biographical sketch of her life and development as a Union organizer in California. Originally born in New Mexico, she moved to California at the age of 5.

Discussion With Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Rigoberta Menchu

Discussion With Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Rigoberta Menchu| Produced by Chuy Varela| Recorded circa 1993. - CONTENT: Rigoberta Menchu, winner of the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize for her workon behalf of the indigenous populations of Guatamala.

Violence : Race And Racism

Violence : Race And Racism / Troy Duster and Shyene Shabacka| produced by Sue Supriano. - U.C. Berkeley Professor of Sociology Dr. Troy Duster, and Health professional Shyene Shabacka speak and discuss the relationships between violenence and racism.

The Negro Baseball League

The Negro Baseball League / produced and narrated by Ed Markmann. - Historical documentary of the Negro Baseball League, 1920-1948. Includes an interview with Lou Dials (1904-), who played with the Chicago American Giants. - RECORDED: KPFA, 24 June 1993.

The Negro Baseball League

The Negro Baseball League / produced and narrated by Ed Markmann. - Historical documentary of the Negro Baseball League, 1920-1948. Includes an interview with Lou Dials (1904-), who played with the Chicago American Giants. - RECORDED: KPFA, 24 June 1993.

The Negro Baseball League

The Negro Baseball League / produced and narrated by Ed Markmann. - Historical documentary of the Negro Baseball League, 1920-1948. Includes an interview with Lou Dials (1904-), who played with the Chicago American Giants. - RECORDED: KPFA, 24 June 1993.

The Negro Baseball League

THE NEGRO BAEBALL LEAGUE / produced and narrated by Ed Markmann. - Historical documentary of the Negro Baseball League, 1920-1948. Includes an interview with Lou Dials (1904-), who played with the Chicago American Giants. - RECORDED: KPFA, 24 June 1993.
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