Aristide In Berkeley

Aristide In Berkeley| Produced by KPFA| Date unknown. - CONTENT: Reel Two| Aristide is posed questions from the crowd of students, including the topics of audience support, US assistance, Catholic Church support, his policy of land distribution, organized efforts, Santa Amingo, militarianism, and political asylum.

Aristide In Berkeley

Aristide In Berkeley| Produced by KPFA| Date unknown. - CONTENT: Reel One. Jean-Paul Aristide delivers a speech (28:00) following an introduction by Terry Carl (5:40) and then turns it over to Nadine Gracias who reads a poem about Haiti (3:00) Aristide details the terror in Haiti, murder and rape as weapons.

Evening For Tibet

Evening For Tibet| Recording dates unknown. - CONTENT: Program is a panel of speakers which begins with an unnamed speaker, introducing the panel and the topic of human rights violations in Tibet. The panelists are engaging and speak for five minutes each. Professor Robert Thurman from Columbia University speaks for 23 minutes.

Dirty Truths / Michael Parenti

Dirty Truths / Michael Parenti. Parenti discusses the contents of his book, Dirty Truths. He begins with an introduction to the collection of essays, calling them "think pieces" rather than investigative journalism. His work deals with media, ideology, politics, ideas, class power, and ethnic life. Topics of discussion include child labor in Indonesia, and media conditioning.

Rip Rift And Panic| Living Along A Faultline

Rip Rift And Panic| Living Along A Faultline / Produced by Susan Stone| Recorded in March of 1996. - CONTENT: Stories and sounds of life and death along the faultline criss-crossing the Pacific rim. Voices of Mexico City, Los Angeles, Tokyo, San Francisco, Eureka and Anchorage all describe their fears, flight and faith in home and ground.


Speech given by Michael Parenti in February, 1991. Parenti begins with the premise that the ideology of the right covers up reality. While U.S. government leaders maintain they are involved in the propogation of democracy, justice and peace around the world, Parenti asserts from the late 19th century to the present leaders of the U.S.

Booktalk, Interview With Jessica Mitford

Booktalk| 1988, interview with Jessica Mitford, author of the book, American Way of Death published in 1963. Mitford discusses her years as a political activist, membership in the Communist party and literary influences. There is a discussion on the "Famous Writer's School", muckracking and poison pen journalism.

Facism And Wealth

Facism And Wealth / Michael Parenti. - Speech by political scientist and critic, Michael Parenti, in which he discusses the historical realties of historical Facism in Europe. He discusses the rise of Mussolini in Italy before World War I, and how the programs he championed attracted the economic elite.
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