Deepok Chopra State Of The World

DEEPOK CHOPRA, STATE OF THE WORLD| Produced by Pacifica Radio Archives| September 28, 1995. - CONTENT: Deepok Chopra, author speaks to a group (not identified) about the "State of the World." Chopra describes a new phase, Metabolic Evolution.

Mantra Of Love

Mantra Of Love / Thic Knat Hahn. - Thic Knat Hahn is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk who speaks about how to make relationships better by practicing the art of being present with your loved ones.

Mantra Of Love

Mantra Of Love / Thic Knat Hahn. - Thic Knat Hahn is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk who speaks about how to make relationships better by practicing the art of being present with your loved ones.

Economic Justice For All

Economic Justice For All / KPFA. - Cecilia Rodriguez and Jim Hightower speak out on the economic and social inequities in Mexico and the U.S. - CONTENT: pt.1. Cecilia Rodriguez discusses changes in Mexico where a corrupt 65 year-old regime has been in power. Rodriguez points out parallels in the U.S.

The Cost Of Empire At Home And Abroad

The Cost Of Empire At Home And Abroad / Michael Parenti. - Michael Parenti, noted political analyst and critic, speaks about the agenda supported by the United States global empire.

What Is Socialism : No. 11 : Legacy And Renewal

What Is Socialism : No. 11 : Legacy And Renewal / KPFA| produced and narrated by Toby Cole. - SERIES: What is socialism?| no. 11 - The Communist manifesto / Narrated by Toby Cole| with commentary by Paul Sweezy.
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