Alvah Bessie at 80 / interviewed by Peter Carroll.

Retrospective of Bessie's life and career, including his experiences during the Spanish Civil War as an American volunteer, his role as one of the Blacklisted Hollywood 10, his testimony before HUAC in 1947, and his writings.

Rejuvenation / Ann Wigmore ; interviewed by Nancy Delaney.

Ann Wigmore, founder of the Hippocrates Institute, discusses how she cured herself of colon cancer through the use of her 'living foods diet,' and how others with cancer, leukemia, heart disease and diabetes have been cured through the program.

State power and the J.F.K. Assassination / Michael Parenti.

Talk on the many levels of the coverup concerning the assassination of John F. Kennedy, particularly the role of the National government. He argues that the state perpetuates the most unspeakable crimes against its own people, the gangster nature of the state cloaked by a facade of political representation, and how the coverup exposes the nature of this criminal activity.

Deep politics / Peter Dale Scott.

Talk by Kennedy Assassination researcher Peter Dale Scott in which he explores the deep political system that was in place before the assassination, allowed the coverup, and is still in place. The system of corruption, he argues, involves government officials, organized crime, and corporations.
r.1. Definition of deep politics ; intelligence agencies and organized crime ; The J.F.K. assassination and the Vietnam war ; The many groups who could have been involved with the Kennedy assassination : multiple motives for murder ; Mexican drug connection ; Drug traffic and corruption ; Dallas police, Oswald, Rubey, and the Warren Commission ; The CIA in Mexico (62 min.) -- r.2.
r.1. Definition of deep politics ; intelligence agencies and organized crime ; The J.F.K. assassination and the Vietnam war ; The many groups who could have been involved with the Kennedy assassination : multiple motives for murder ; Mexican drug connection ; Drug traffic and corruption ; Dallas police, Oswald, Rubey, and the Warren Commission ; The CIA in Mexico (62 min.) -- r.2.

The Great white lie / Michael Levine ; interviewed by Dennis Bernstein and Julia Lite.

Former DEA agent Michael Levine discusses the results of his research which produced his latest book, The Great White Lie. He starts with a personal history of his experiences as a government man, how people in the CIA and DEA commit treason, as well as specific actions undertaken by the United States government to protect U.S. backed governments around the world.

My 20 years in the D.E.A. / Mike Levine ; interviewed by Dennis Bernstein.

Mike Levine, author of "Deep Cover" and "Fight Back," discusses his experiences as an agent for the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), and how he came to understand and expose the phony war on drugs. Levine tells how he came into law enforcement innocently, and how he became an undercover agent for the DEA.

The C.I.A., the Persian Gulf, and National Security / Philip Agee.

Philip Agee, the first CIA Secret Operations Officer to go public 20 years ago, speaks on role of the CIA in the 1992 Gulf War, as well as how the agency helps define issues of National Security which then determine foreign policy. Agee begins by discussing his personal problems with passports, and then begins an analysis of the Persian Gulf crisis.
Displaying items 2011 - 2020 of 2241


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