Philip Agee is back.

Philip Agee talks about his experiences as a former CIA officer who wrote the first major book which exposed the illegal and immoral activities of the agency in Latin America.

The Medical consequences of nuclear war / produced by Ken Olcott.

This program includes highlights of the two-day symposium held in San Francisco in November of 1980, organized by Physicians For Social Responsibility and the Council For a Livable World Education Fund. Presented by physicians, scientists, and former high-level government personnel. Tape produced by Ken Olcott.

A Walking tour of the Hiroshima Peace Museum.

Taped tour with first hand accounts of the first atomic bomb drop.|A WALKING TOUR OF THE HIROSHIMA PEACE MUSEUM - Taped tour with a first hand account of the horrors of nuclear war as experienced in 1945 when the first atomic bomb was dropped. - BROADCAST: KPFA, 1981.
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