Our days in court / produced by Fran Watkins and Isabel Welsh.

Overview of the history of legal issues concerning women, including name changes in marriage contracts, control of one's earnings, divorce and custody rights, and employment discrimination. Includes interviews with Nancy Davis, Mary Dunlap and Wendy Williams, Equal Rights Advocates attorneys in San Francisco. Produced by Fran Watkins and Isabel Welsh.

Sylvia Plath program / produced by Anita Barrows and Debbie Sweeney.

This program presents a mix of readings of Sylvia Plath's poetry, excerpts from her novel The Bell Jar, and writings about Plath by others, including Elinor Friedman Klein's "A Friend Recalls Sylvia Plath" (Glamour Magazine, Nov. 1966) and A. Alvarez's book "The Savage God: A Study of Suicide" (New York: Random House, 1972). No intro or outro.

Huey Newton-Charles Garry press conference

KPFA volunteer Claude Marks reports from the office of San Francisco attorney Charles Garry to report on the press conference hosted by Garry and Huey P. Newton of the Black Panther Party. Newton had just been released from a two-year jail sentence on $50,000 bail and planned to appeal his conviction on manslaughter charges.

The road to Wounded Knee III: history and philosophy of AIM / Carter Camp (Part 3 of 5)

This is a special report on Wounded Knee and the Red Power movement. Carter Camp, one of the founders of AIM, talks about the oppression of the Native American and the civil rights struggle, discusses the birth of the American Indian Movement and the spiritual rebirth of the Indian people, and explains the shortcomings of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Vernon Bellecourt interviewed by Lincoln Bergman

Discussion of the Native American movement, specifically about the conditions at Wounded Knee. At the time of the interview, Vernon Bellecourt, representative to the United Nations of the Ojibwe (Chippewa) Nation, was founder and National Director of the American Indian Movement (AIM), on a tour of the U.S. to raise awareness and money for the Wounded Knee Defense Fund.
Displaying items 1081 - 1090 of 2241


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