The persistence of American prejudice (Part 1 of 2)

This recording is of the opening session of the centennial symposium held at the University of California in Berkeley March 24-26, 1968 and attended by leaders from the churches, schools, mass media, government and politics, business and labor. Following the welcoming address by Chancellor Roger W. Heyns of the University, and a foreword by the Symposium chairman, Charles Y.

The persistence of American prejudice (Part 2 of 2)

This is part two of the opening session of the centennial symposium held at the University of California in Berkeley March 24-26, 1968 and attended by leaders from the churches, schools, mass media, government and politics, business and labor. Following the welcoming address by Chancellor Roger W. Heyns of the University, and a foreword by the Symposium chairman, Charles Y.

Interview with Edward Said

Philip Maldari interviews Edward Said, Palestinian-American literary theorist and Palestinian rights activist, after the publication of his book, "Out of Place, A Memoir", which was winner of the 1999 New Yorker prize for non-fiction. They talk about Israel and Palestine and the criticism of the book.

The car top rally.

The recording consists of actuality of student protests against new campus rules at University of California, Berkeley. A speech is delivered regarding the administration suspending students who participate in the demonstration, and the need for students to stick together. Dick Norman invites opposition speakers.

The car top rally.

Actuality of student protest against new campus rules at University of California, Berkeley. Contains excerpts from the days events. Following are excerpts from the days events. Fraternity brothers arrive and surround the demonstrators. Fire engines come and demonstrators fear the use of high pressure hoses being used. Mario Savio argues with the fraternity group.

The car top rally / reported by Scott Kieth.

The recording includes actuality of student protest against new campus rules at University of California, Berkeley. This features confrontation with fraternity group. Mario Savio is interviewed by Scott Kieth. Fraternity brother calls for release of the police car. Dusty Miller explains their tactics followed by three student speakers.

The car top rally

Actuality of student protest against new campus rules at University of California, Berkeley. Actuality of student protest against new campus rules at University of California, Berkeley. Listeners can hear altercation over microphone by pro- and anti- free speech movement activists, as well as student heckling of anti-FSM activists.

The car top rally

The recording includes actuality of student protest against new campus rules at University of California, Berkeley. In Sproul Plaza, faculty member Peterson reports on negotiations and states administration's assertion that the students have gone back on their word. Mario Savio proposes demands and concessions. Martin Roysher explains the limits the students must place on their actions.

The car top rally

Recording includes actuality of student protest against the new campus rules at the University of California, Berkeley. Jackie Goldberg speaks on the position of the University. Dick Roman talks about how he joined the demonstration. B. Turner speaks of the "table" incident and Mario Savio gives his speech. Jack Weinberg is arrested and the crowd reacts.

Free Speech Movement--"Car Top Rally" (Part 2)

Actuality of student protest against new campus rules at University of California, Berkeley. pt.1. Burton White reads ASUC petition about privileges; Pickard talks about sitting at tables; Mario Savio says not to give up student names; Burton White describing tables going up around Sproul Hall; students speaking; the arrest of Jack Weinkey -- pt.2.
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