
Bernadette Devlin / interviewed by Tom Curtis.

KPFT's News Director Tom Curtis interviewed Irish Catholic militant Bernadette Devlin (McAliskey) while in Houston to speak at the University of Houston about Northern Ireland. She discusses the struggles there and what Americans can do. Includes phone calls. Recorded by Tom Curtis, edited by Tracy German.

The San Quentin six

This program is an examination of the San Quentin Six, Black and Latino prisoners on trial in Marin County in connection with the events surrounding the death of George Jackson. The prisoners were Fleeta Drumgo, David Johnson, Hugo Pinell, Johnny Larry Spain, Luis Talamantez, and Willie Tate.
Note on box: For Pacifica and affiliates only.

Interview with George Jackson / by Max Bloom.

Interview with George Jackson conducted by Max Bloom of the Tribe. Recorded July 28, 1971 in San Quentin Prison. Jackson discusses his trial and political activism. [Parts have been removed - entire interview on smaller ____ tape.] BC1564 is same as BC0239.01, but BC0239.01 is a squealer - can't be used.

Folsom prison, where people die like flies / Warren Wells interviewed by Mark Schwartz

Former Black Panther Warren Wells talks about the Panthers' abandonment of the "prison movement." Wells is serving time in Folsom Prison from a 1968 Oakland shootout that resulted in the death of Bobby Hutton. He talks about conditions, intra-prison fighting and the failure of people outside to organize around Folsom, especially around those men housed in the adjustment center.

Dear brother Erika / Erika Seastrom ; interviewed by Bonnie Bellow.

Erika Seastrom, a member for 20 years of the Printers Union, describes her life working under terrible conditions in an almost entirely male trade. In the first part of this program, Seastrom discusses her start in the printing business, the sexism she confronted on the job, her attempts to join the union, and working conditions in New York City print shops.
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