
Bernadette Devlin at the Hotel Diplomat.

Bernadette Devlin (McAliskey), Northern Ireland Catholic leader and member of Parliament, speaks about the violence in her country and the desire to split away from Great Britain. The speech was delivered at the Hotel Diplomat in New York City on March 7, 1971.

The South wants to help, too (Part 2 of 2)

This second half of the recording of speeches from the banquet held for the Southern Committee to Elect the Next President of the United States on June 17, 1963 features the concluding speech made by Tom Anderson, syndicated columnist and president, editor in chief, majority holder, and publisher of Farm and Ranch Magazine. Recorded by Dale Minor.

John Robbins : Diet For A New America

John Robbins : Diet For A New America| Recorded circa 1992. - CONTENT: John Robbins, author of the book, A Diet for a New America. Robbins is speaking before a live audience about his book, A Diet for a New America. He begins by offering a brief biographical sketch of himself and his family.

I remember Mama

Collage of interviews with women talking about mothering. Recorded and broadcast: May 9, 1982. Produced by Marsha Steinberg and Suzi Weissman.

1001 Lunches With J. Krishnamurti

Phone interview with Michael Krohnen, author of the book "Kitchen chronicles: 1001 lunches with J. Krishnamurti" about his impressions and adventures as Krishnamurti's cook for the last decade of his life. Interview was recorded live with Roy E. Tuckman. Produced by Roy E. Tuckman and KPFK.

Examination Of The Play, "jerker"

Examination Of The Play, "jerker"| Produced by Rick Diaz| Recorded in 1986. - CONTENT: 1986 boradcast of an IMRV presentation of "Jerker", hosted by Rick Diaz. Rick interviews of director, Michael Kerns and stars, Joe Frazier and David Stevens. Excerpts from the play are aired.

Charlotte Bunch: I'm a woman

Charlotte Bunch speaks about the feminist movement and receives comments from reporters and audience, discussing personal experience and views. Bunch opens with a speech about being a feminist in an anti-feminist environment.
Displaying items 381 - 390 of 1405


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