
Conversation with Theodora Kroeber / interviewed by Eleanor Sully

Theodora Kroeber (March 24, 1897 – July 4, 1979), author of the much-loved book Ishi in Two Worlds, talks with Eleanor Sully about her new book about her anthropologist husband, Alfred Kroeber: A Personal Configuation. Kroeber reads a section called "Religion" from the book, which was published by University of California Press, 1970.

A visit with Huey Newton at Vacaville Prison Facility

Black Panther Party co-founder and leader Huey P. Newton discusses his imprisonment at Vacaville Medical Facility in Vacaville, CA with Denny Smithson of KPFA's Public Affairs Department; Karen Wald, reporter for the Guardian; and Joe Blum, editor of The Movement. Newton talks about the way he's been portrayed in the media and physical and social conditions at Vacaville.

Rally for the Oakland Seven

This is a recording of speeches given at a rally held in support of the seven men indicted on conspiracy charges for the October anti-draft demonstrations in Oakland 1967, and also in support of Huey Newton.
Previously written in catalog record: "Held on February 17, 1968 at the Oakland Auditorium, Oakland, California; or February 18, in Los Angeles, California." Re-edited with box label text on 27 Oct 2009.

Free Huey rally in Oakland

H. Rap Brown (Jamil Al-Amin) and Stokely Carmichael deliver speeches at a Free Huey rally on February 17, 1968, held at the Oakland Auditorium. Stokely Carmichael opens his speech, suggesting a celebration of Huey P.
The digitized version of this recording is on two CDs.

Are the Black Panthers violent?

Elsa Knight Thompson moderates a panel discussion about the alliance between the Black Panthers and the Peace & Freedom Party. Participants are Bobby Seale, Chairman of the Black Panther Party, and Bob Avakian and Mike Parker, two organizers of the Peace & Freedom Party. Seale clarifies that the Panthers are not an anti-white organization but are anti-racism and oppression.

Intercommunal day of solidarity

On March 5, 1971, the Black Panther Party held an event at the Oakland Auditorium called "Revolutionary International Day of Solidarity" for Bobby Seale, Ericka Huggins, Angela Davis, and Ruchell Magee, and also to honor Party Minister of Defense Huey P. Newton on his release from prison. Huey P. Newton was the featured speaker.

A conversation with Ella Winter / interviewed by Elsa Knight Thompson

The internationally known political author and lecturer Ella Winter talks with Elsa Knight Thompson about the changes she finds in the United States since her last visit to this country, which had been in 1962 or 1963. Winter says that the country seems much more outspoken about politics, and much less fearful, in general, about a looming Communist threat.
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