
Living and growing in a white world

The author of Fire next time speaks to the students of Castlemont High School, a predominantly Black high school in Oakland, California, about living and growing in a white world. Recorded by KQED, and featuring a post-speech question and answer session moderated by a KQED correspondent.

Huey Newton statement read by Bobby Seale at KPFA

Statement written by Huey Newton, read by Bobby Seale, expressing grief at the death of George Jackson and calling for black solidarity. Introduced as a missive from the Inter-communal news service of the Black Panther Party. This is an excerpt from BC0239.05A.

Black Panther press conference at KPFA

This is a recording of a Black Panther press conference held at KPFA and at the Hall of Justice in Oakland. First on the recording is Charles Garry, attorney for Bobby Seale, followed by Seale himself, regarding the Cleaver situation the night before this recording was made. Also includes an interview with Reverend Earl Neil of St. Augustine Episcopal Church, Oakland.

Bobby Hutton funeral and memorial service (Part 2 of 2)

Continuation of the rally at Merritt Park in memory of Bobby Hutton (1950-1968), and in support of Huey Newton and Eldridge Cleaver. James Forman (1928-2005) of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee eulogizes Hutton and talks about how to deal with "the hogs." Audio distorted in the last minute, cuts out mid-speech. Reported by Colin Edwards of KPFA.

Bobby Hutton funeral and memorial service (Part 1 of 2)

Actuality of the memorial service held at Ephesian Church of God in Christ for Bobby Hutton (1950-1968), the first Black Panther recruit, who was killed in a shootout with the Oakland Police Department. Colin Edwards interviews Louella Cleaver, sister of Eldridge Cleaver, about her reaction to Hutton's and Martin Luther King, Jr.'s deaths.

Huey Newton : August 11, 1970

Huey Newton, the founder and Minister of Defense of the Black Panther Party, is interviewed by Elsa Knight Thompson at the KPFA studios, six days after his release from prison. He expresses his views about the worldwide Black movement for independence, the justice and prison systems in the United States, and the aims of the Black Panthers.

Huey P. Newton funeral (part 4 of 4)

Continuation of the proceedings from the funeral for Huey P. Newton at the Allen Temple Baptist Church in East Oakland, CA. Remarks by the Reverend Frank Pinkard, Bobby Seale and Reverend Cecil Williams. The congregation sings "We Shall Overcome" during the recessional. Reported by Bari Scott and Wendell Harper. Outro by Ginny Z. Berson.

Huey P. Newton funeral (part 1 of 4)

KPFA produced this biographical sketch of Huey P. Newton, co-founder of the Black Panther Party, compiled from audio clips from the Pacifica Radio Archives. Newton was murdered in West Oakland on August 22, 1989. The tape is introduced by Ginny Z. Berson.

Tribute to Ella Baker

The Southern Conference Education Fund's annual dinner held in April at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York to honor Miss Ella Baker, who has worked for many years behind the scenes in the Civil Rights Movement. Speakers Anne Braden, Bob Zellner, Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Turé), H.

Rosalie Sorrels : travelin' lady in concert.

Concert by blues, country and folk singer, Rosalie Sorrels (1933 - ) recorded at Upsala College in New Jersey on April 15, 1973. Sorrels is backed by David Holt on piano and Mitch Greenhill on guitar. The performance was sponsored by the Folk Music Society of Northern New Jersey with recording and production by Ronnie and Panos Lambrou and Ceil Muller. Mix for radio by Peter Zanger.
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