The schools and prejudice (Part 2 of 2)

This is the second reel of "The Schools and Prejudice," the fourth session of the University of California at Berkeley's Centennial symposium. Marie Fielder chairs the session, is the chair of the session. Speakers are M. Brewster Smith, director of the Institute for Human Development at U.C.

The schools and prejudice (Part 1 of 2)

In this fourth session of the University of California at Berkeley Centennial symposium, the topic is "The Schools and Prejudice." Marie Fielder, director of the Leadership Training Institute in Problems of School Desegregation, is the chair of the session. Speakers are M. Brewster Smith, director of the Institute for Human Development at U.C.

The humanities and prejudice

This contains a recording of "The humanities and prejudice," the principal address of the third session of the Centennial symposium at the University of California at Berkeley is given by author and educator Dr. Saunders Redding. Redding is introduced by chairman of the session, Leo Lowenthal, professor of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley.

Lesbian non-mothers

Katherine Davenport of KPFA explores the thoughts, feelings, and politics of lesbians who don't have children. This tape is a re-broadcast from WBAI.

Lesbian images in literature

Valerie Taylor talks about the history of lesbian literature in front of an audience at the West Coast Women's Music Festival in September 1981, then we hear studio readings of three lesbian short stories.

Benefit for women library workers / Malvina Reynolds and Margie Adam

Malvina Reynolds and Margie Adam perform at a benefit for Women Library Workers. Recorded at Glide Church in San Francisco on May 13th, 1977. Produced by Martha Oelman. Songs performed are: 1. Artichokes -- 2. If You Love Me -- 3. There's A Bottom Below -- 4. The Albatross -- 5. The Little Red Hen -- 6. Turn Around -- 7. Carolina Cotton Mill Song -- 8. World In Their Pocket -- 9.

Festival of Underground Poetry: Diane di Prima

Beat poet Diane di Prima reads excerpts from her book "The Calculus of Variation" at the Festival of Underground Poetry at the UC Berkeley Art Museum on October 10, 1971. The festival was co-sponsored by the UC Berkeley Art Museum and the Berkeley Poets' Commune. Recording starts in the middle of a sentence and seems to be excerpted from a longer reading.

Diane di Prima reads

Radio Free People presents poet Diane di Prima reads chapter of an upcoming prose book Blessed are the Meek, Baby, a monologue "Zip Code", and four part poem "Canticle of St. Joan". Produced by Radio Free People at a poetry reading in March 1969 at St. Mark's Church in the Bowery in New York City. Includes intro and outro.

Flor del Pueblo at La Pena

Live performance by Flor del Pueblo at La Pena in Berkeley, CA. Introduction explains the history of La Pena as a setting for the revolutionary political song movement of Latin America. Flor del Pueblo will play a set, then Pa' los Huicholes from L.A. will play for another 45 minute set, then Flor del Pueblo will close. The first reel only has Flor del Pueblo's first set.
MC of event announces on tape, "La Pena is a project that follows a Latin American tradition. In the south part of the continent, people would get together after working in neighborhood places where they will drink, where they will eat, and where they will play and listen to music and songs.
Displaying items 281 - 290 of 2241


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