Readings from two University of California, Berkeley faculty reports

According to the interim report, Academic Senate Emergency Executive Committee meets with regents on December 17, 1964. On December 18, 1964, Regents declared that advocacy or content of speech will not be restricted beyond the purview of the First and Fourteenth Amendments.

Ben Legere talks about his life

Benjamin J. "Ben" Legere, 1887-1972, actor, playwright, and labor leader in both the American and Canadian Labor movements as an I.W.W. organizer and as a member of the General Executive Board of the Canadian One Big Union, discusses his life. This recording is likely source material used for the series "Reminiscences of a Rebel: the autobiography of Benjamin J.

Mario Savio and Clark Kerr on UC Berkeley campus

Reporter, Bert, collects miscellaneous student commentary from around the UC Berkeley campus, then reads the handbill from University Student for Law and Order. He reads "Machiavelianism" posting and criticizes Clark Kerr's handling of student protesters.

Radio free Alcatraz - December 28 and 29, 1969

The tape box notes that episode BB5457.01, which would have aired on 1969-12-28, is missing from this reel. Episode BB5457.02 of Radio Free Alcatraz, airing 1969-12-29, starts with John Trudell explaining problems with electricity generation on Alcatraz Island followed by an interview with Jonny Bearcub (now Jonny Bearcub Stiffarm), a member of the Fort Peck Assiniboine Sioux Nation.

John Hope Franklin interviewed by William Swanberg (Part 2 of 2)

The conclusion of William Swanberg's interview with Dr. John Hope Franklin, author and professor of history at the University of Chicago. The two discuss American Blacks and the problems of integration at a public appearance in the Bay Area under the auspices of the University of Chicago Club.

Press conference at San Quentin (Part 2 of 2)

Continuation of the press conference held at San Quentin the day after George Jackson was shot and killed. This portion of the press conference begins with Associate Warden James Park. Contains sensitive language. Recorded by Denny Smithson. Note: bad cable caused continual sound problems.

Press conference at San Quentin (Part 1 of 2)

This recording begins with interviews with George Jackson's mother Georgia Jackson, and John Clutchette's mother Doris Maxwell, outside San Quentin prison, awaiting information on their sons, the day after George Jackson was killed inside the prison property.

Roland Young, Seale, Craven on George Jackson (Part 2 of 2)

Continuation of the panel discussion moderated by Roland Young, with guests Bobby Seale and Carolyn Craven, regarding the death of George Jackson. This part of the program consists of panel interaction with listeners calling in, including a statement from the Prisoner Solidarity Committee of New York, who announce an upcoming demonstration in New York.

Is freedom academic? (Part 2 of 2)

A day-by-day documentary of the Free Speech Movement in 1964, recorded by staff members of KPFA on the Berkeley Campus of the University of California. Part two.
Displaying items 261 - 270 of 2241


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