Yelena Zeltin interviewed by William Mandel

William Mandel interviews, in English, Professor Yelena Zeltin of Moscow, speaking of her life: her parents were revolutionaries exiled to Siberia under Tsar, and Zeltin was thus born in Siberia; her mother is Jewish, her father Latvian. Her husband died as a result of World War II hardships. Very human, interesting life.
Previously attributed to the series "Soviet scene," another series by William Mandel.

We shall overcome / produced by David King Dunaway.

How the early 1960s civil rights movement produced the Freedom Singers. Bernice Johnson Reagon, Bob Dylan, Pete Seeger, Nina Simone, and Len Chandler. Demonstrations in Selma and Birmingham.|WE SHALL OVERCOME / produced by David King Dunaway. SERIES: Pie in the sky. Featuring on-the-spot recordings of demonstrations in Birmingham and Selma.
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