Barry Commoner panel.

On energy problems and possible solutions, with Barbara Barkovitch, Alden Bryant, and Otto Smith.

An Interview with Jessica Mitford / interviewed by Alan Snitow and Wendell Harper.

An interview with author and journalist Jessica Mitford (b. 1917 - d. 1996) by KPFA's Alan Snitow and Wendell Harper. She discusses techniques behind investigative reporting, such as using the language of the profession of the person you're interviewing and not putting them on the defensive, and how to deal with negative reactions from interviewees.

The Debt trap / Cheryl Payer interviewed by Laurie Garrett

Cheryl Payer, author of "The Debt Trap" and member of the Rome Declaration Group, gives a critical analysis of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, how loans disrupt developing economies, solutions to world poverty.
Displaying items 1771 - 1780 of 2241


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