
The White man's stake in Black liberation

Carl Braden of the Southern Conference Educational Fund speaking in support of racial equality and laborers' rights on December 7, 1968 under the sponsorship of SCEF and Freedom News, an independent monthly of Contra Costa county. Mr. Braden is editor of the Southern Patriot, a radical Southern newspaper in circulation since 1942.

Gwendolyn Brooks and LeRoi Jones poetry reading

This is a recording of the session during which Gwendolyn Brooks and LeRoi Jones (Amiri Baraka) read from their own poetry at the Negro Writers conference at Asilomar in August 1964. "The Negro writer in the United States" was a five-day seminar hosted by the University of California at Berkeley Extension Program, held at the Asilomar State Park in California, August 5-9, 1964.

Ban the Barb in the Richmond Public Library: what shall they read / produced by Steve Clark

Documentary on the City Council hearings about censoring literature in the Richmond Public Library. The recording was made on August 26, 1968 at the Richmond, California City Council Meeting. The last issue on the agenda that night was the issue as to whether or not the Berkeley Barb, the Los Angeles Free Press, and the Avant Garde magazine should continue in the Richmond City Library.

Fasting Dick Gregory entertains (Part 2 of 2)

This is a recording of the speech given by the Black comedian-turned-activist Dick Gregory on the 15th day of his 40-day protest fast. The speech was delivered to over 3,000 students at the University of Texas at Austin on December 12, 1968.

Senator Robert Kennedy in Berkeley

Senator Robert Kennedy in Berkeley, delivering a political speech at the Greek Theater on the University of California Berkeley campus. Recorded October 23, 1966.

Poor diet in pregnancy: cause of toxemia / panel moderated by Lou Hartman

A panel discussion with Dr. Howard Jacobson, associate professor of obstetrics at the University of California Medical Center; Dr. Tom Brewer, obstetrician at the Richmond Health Clinic and author of Metabolic Toxemia of Late Pregnancy: A Disease of Malnutrition; Dr. Ruth Steinkamp, medical consultant for the Bureau of Nutrition, State of California; and Dr.

One night in Newark

Report and actuality of a night of race rioting in Newark, New Jersey in July 1967. Produced by Mike Hodel from tapes recorded in Newark by Robert Ortiz and Ronnie Watkins.
Displaying items 711 - 720 of 1405


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