
One touch of Nature / written and read by Mary McCarthy

Novelist Mary McCarthy delivers the Harcourt Brace lecture at Columbia University. She is introduced by critic F. W. Dupee. Previously cataloged here as a short story, "One touch of Nature" is actually a lecture on the personification of Nature in novels.

Tribute to Paul Robeson / produced by Charles Hobson.

Note on box: His songs and thoughts. WBAI Folio notes, April 9, 1968, p. 8: On the occasion of Mr. Robeson’s seventieth birthday, we present a tribute to the athlete, actor, singer and extraordinary man. As we go to press—in February—we don’t have all the details but the program promises to be an important one. Produced by Charles Hobson, assistant producer Kay Lindsey. (April 10)

The Lesbians / interviewed by Charles Hayden.

An informal discussion between nine lesbians, all in their early-to-mid-twenties, recorded at an apartment in New York City's Greenwich Village and moderated by Charles Hayden (later Randolfe Hayden "Randy" Wicker). The women discuss how one becomes a lesbian, their relationships with their parents, and how they relate to gay and straight men and women.

Women is losers.

Members of the Women's Liberation discuss the role of women in American society. The discussion touches on a wide variety of topics, including the necessity for women to break out of the roles that have been prescribed for them, the emotional and sexual lives of women, and the media's portrayal of women.

The New woman / introduced by George Frankenstein.

A panel discussion on the subject of "the new woman," with Stephanie Mills of Planned Parenthood, Mimi Kaprolat of the National Organization for Women (NOW), Patricia "Pat" Maginnis of the Association to Repeal Aborton Laws, and Alvin Duskin, San Francisco manufacturer of women's clothing.

Karate : women's liberation demonstration.

Members of Women's Liberation, determined to impress the University of California, Berkeley officials of their seriousness, staged a demonstration at Harmon Gymnasium, the school's men's gym, demanding to be allowed to enter the class in Karate.  The protestors were met by the police who refused to allow them into the room where the course was being taught.

Soledad : a place we own.

Documentary on the killing of three Black prisoners and a white guard in Soledad prison; includes statements by Phrasel Sheldon, Willie Brown, Bill Greene, M. Dymally, and Fay Stender.
Displaying items 691 - 700 of 1405


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