
How terribly strange to be seventy / produced by Jan Legnitto.

Old people in our society are treated like members of an alien race rather than as fellow human beings who have simply lived longer than the rest of us. This program explores how some of them feel about the youth culture, women's liberation, the generation gap, politics, medicare, sex, and death. Produced by Jan Legnitto with technical production by Bob Bergstresser.

Maud Gonne

An original dramatic performance based on the life of Maud Gonne, actress, revolutionary and extravagant muse who haunted the poetry of William Butler Yeats. Written and produced by Barbara Kraft. Music by William Kraft, featuring a song sung by Victoria Bond. Featuring Julie Adams as Maud Gonne, Lee Bergere as William Butler Yeats, Judith Chaikin as Elizabeth, Norma Connolly as Mrs.

New concepts of women : implications for therapy

Helen Landgarten talks with Elizabeth Estrup, M.A., Hannah Lerman, Ph.D., and Aurelia Morris who are all active members of an organized consciousness-raising group for workers in the "helping profession" in Los Angeles. They are also active in the Women's Center and discuss therapy as a means of discovering one's individual identity.

Is it Marxist feminists or feminist Marxists?

Linda Eldon, Sherry Weber, Ethel Herring, and Jackie Goldberg discuss the relationships between the feminist and Marxist movements. Recent publications such as "The Dialectic of Sex" and "The Fourth World Manifesto" are discussed. Produced and moderated by Clare Spark (nee Loeb). Contains sensitive material.

Germaine Greer in Berkeley.

Germaine Greer, author of "The Female Eunuch", speaking at the University of California, Berkeley in a consciousness-raising session about the nature of sexual oppression in Western culture. She discusses male fantasies of rape and how sexual abuse is institutionalized in our culture through the imagery of sexuality. Contains sensitive language.

Promise her anything / produced by Caryl Ratner.

Promise her anything...and give her whatever she'll buy. A look at the cosmetics industry and its influences on the physiology and psyche of the consumer. "Recommended for those who think the 'befores' generally look better than the 'afters'." Intro: The following program was produced at WBAI in New York by Caryl Ratner, and will be broadcast in STEREO.

Relax, you're going to enjoy this

A documentary about massage parlors in the San Francisco Bay Area. Includes interviews with masseuses, patrons, owners and the head of the San Francisco Police Department vice squad. Produced by Jay Goodwin.

All issues are women's issues / Aileen Hernandez.

Aileen Hernandez speaking on the question of women's issues at a meeting sponsored by the Berkeley Chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW) on March 15, 1972. Hernandez, a consultant in urban affairs, has advised business, labor, government and private groups on programs for utilizing the talents of minority groups and women.

L'histoire du soldat (Episode 6 of 33)

The second part of an evening devoted to performance of works by Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) held at WBAI's Free Music Store on December 18, 1971. This part contains a performance of Stravinsky's theatrical work L'Histoire du Soldat (The Soldier's Tale) (1918). Cast includes Tim Jerome, narrator; Arthur Miller, a soldier; and Pat Shea, the Devil.
Displaying items 611 - 620 of 1405


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