
The Finnish woman

Program from Radio Finland. Host Judy Carr takes a look at Finnish fashion, chats with popular Finnish singer Ritva Oksanen, and talks about the Finnish woman who was recently appointed assistant secretary general of the United Nations.

Fanny: the all girl band

Members of the all-woman rock group Fanny discuss and play their music. The band consists of Jean Millington, guitars; Nickey Barclay, keyboards; Jean Millington, bass; and Alice de Buhr, drums. Produced by Judith Sherman.

The articulators of the Negro revolt (Part 2 of 2)

Part two of a documentary prepared for the CBC (Canada) and ABC (Australia) by Colin D. Edwards from speeches, interviews, and discussions recorded at the Negro Writers' Conference at Asilomar, California.

April 22nd Coalition press conference

This is a recording of a press conference during which various community members from the Bay Area give statements opposing the Vietnam War and specifically the bombing of Hanoi on April 16, 1972, and then give information about the demonstration being held the next day, April 22, 1972, at Kezar Stadium in San Francisco. Larry Bensky is heard asking questions at start and finish of tape.

Birtha / produced by Judy Sherman.

Judy Sherman interviews the all-woman rock group Birtha. They discuss their origins as a band and their experiences in both writing and performing music. The members of Birtha are Sherry Hagler (keyboards), Shele Pinizzotto (guitar), Rosemary Butler (bass, vocals) and Olivia "Liver" Favela (drums, vocals).

Terry Garthwaite in concert.

Terry Garthwaite from Joy of Cooking with Fritz Kasten and David Garthwaite, in concert at the U.C. Art Museum October 1, 1972. The performance was part of the Bay Area Festival of Women's Works. Women in the Arts is produced by Jan Legnitto. Contains 16 seconds of tone at top of Part One. No intro or outro.

Abortion : beyond legalization / interviews by Miriam Rosen.

Patients at Women's Services, a non-profit New York City abortion clinic, talk about the issue of abortion, their fears, pressures, and/or relief they encounter now that abortion is legal in New York State. Produced by Miriam Rosen. Music featured in the recording is Alice Coltrane's "Universal Consciousness."

With these your eyes you shall recover : the Navajo blanket

Curators Anthony Berlant and Mary Hunt Kahlenberg discuss their exhibition of Navajo blankets at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art on July 14, 1972, which traveled extensively throughout the United States and Europe. They talk with Clare Spark about the technical and social relevance of Native textiles and raise important issues about utility, non-alienation and the artist in society.

Cecil Williams and Angela Davis speak

This is a recording made at an outdoor rally somewhere in the Bay Area in 1972, featuring speeches by Reverend Cecil Williams and Angela Davis, after her release from prison in June 1972. The recording starts with a woman speaking over a P.A.

Pablo Neruda in New York

Poet reads and discusses his work. Produced by R. Rotko.
r.1. Poetry reading (22 min.) -- r.2. Talk and analysis of his poetry (24 min.).
Displaying items 591 - 600 of 1405


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