
Les Guérillères / by Monique Wittig.

A radio adaptation of Monique Wittig's surrealistic drama about militant feminist consciousness transformed into action. The play imagines a literal battle of the sexes in which women, having taken up arms, triumph against an army of men. Contains recorded music. Adapted from an English translation of "Les Guérillères", trans. David Le Vay (Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1971).

Jane Fonda on Vietnam: in defense of Pat Chenoweth

Jane Fonda speaks at the University of California in Berkeley on January 29, 1973. She gives an anti-war speech at a rally for Pat Chenoweth, a soldier facing charges of mutiny in Vietnam. The tape is courtesy of the Chenoweth Defense Committee. She speaks about the Mekong Delta, Nixon's role, and the resilience and strength of the Vietnamese.

She who is electric / Judy Grahn.

Women-loving poems by poet Judy Grahn (1940 - ), including She Who and The Common Women series. Also Edward the Dyke, a short story based on real experiences, in which a woman confused and ambivalent about lesbianism is confronted by her head-shrinker and his battery of pseudo-therapeutic analyses and methods.

Henry Miller : finding his voice in Paris.

Reading from Tropic of Cancer, and an actuality of an award ceremony in Paris making Miller a member of the French Institute of Arts and Letters. Awards presentation by Monsignor Didier Raguenet.

Portrait of a dedicated woman : Elizabeth Gurley Flynn

Communist, feminist activist Elizabeth Gurley Flynn (1890-1964) is interviewed (by William Mandel?) about her life and her work. According to the October 1987 WBAI folio, this interview's (rebroadcast in 1962) transcripts were used in the SISS hearings charging that Pacifica was infiltrated by Communists.

Kim Pontier interview.

Prisoner's wife discusses the fasting of her husband and ten other anti-war prisoners from Missouri. Interviewer's name not given on tape, recording fades out early.
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