
Interview with author Tillie Olsen on her book, Silences

Interview with poet and author Tillie Olsen on her book, Silences, produced by Kathy Ann Kersey. The interview begins with Olsen speaking about her book and the circumstances for women writers. She asserts how much class impacts the life of writers. Her book, Silences describes those writers who are recognizable and those who are unknown.

Julian Bond On The Reagan Administration

Civil rights activist Julian Bond delivers a speech on the Reagan administration titled, "The First Eighteen Months of the Reagan Administration". Bond discusses how civil rights are slipping away and details how Reaganomics are not working, the administration's attempt to eliminate equal opportunity and affirmative action for minorities and women.

The boycott of J.P. Stevens / produced by Celeste Wesson

Program produced by WBAI and Bill O'Neill. Recorded on July 8, 1977. Interview with Barbara Werthheimer, author of the book, We Were There: The Story of Working Women, discussion on textile workers and labor history. Guests Marva Watkins, J.P. Stevens worker from Montgomery, Alabama and Pam Woywood, ACTWU boycott organizer, and Sister Jeannine Maynard, NYC from the boycott office.

Why Nuclear Weapons And Nuclear War Are Medical Problems

Why Nuclear Weapons And Nuclear War Are Medical Problems| Produced by Science and News Report| November 11, 1980. Dr. John Goffman, a professor at the University at California at Berkeley, delivers a talk at the conference, The Consequences of Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear War. Dr.

Interview with Katherine Dunham

Interview with Katherine Dunham, African-American choreographer and founder of the Katherine Dunham Dance Company on October 26, 1974 in East St. Louis, Illinois. Dunham is interviewed by Gloria Van Scott at Southern Illinois University. From 1939 to 1957, Dunham's dance group toured over 57 countries. Van Scott was at one time one of the dancers in Dunham's company.

Adrienne Rich reads from Susan Griffin's "Woman and Nature"

Adrienne Rich (1928 - 2012), poet and author, reads excerpts from Susan Griffin's Woman and Nature: The Roaring Inside Her (New York: Harper & Row, 1978), a book she introduces as being "essential reading." She reads first from the book's introduction, which speaks on the subject of challenging the prevailing androcentric world view.

One billion seconds later: the social history of LSD-25 (Part 1 of 2)

This is the first half of a documentary on the hallucinogenic drug LSD, from its discovery at Sandoz Laboratories in 1943, through the halls of academe, to Golden Gate Park and beyond, told with the help of Michael Horowitz, director of the Fitz Hugh Ludlow Memorial Library.

Interview with Susan Sontag

Author Susan Sontag (1933 - 2004) is interviewed by WBAI's Nanette Rainone in October 1973. They discuss the resignation of Spiro Agnew, the Watergate scandal and the Irving Committee, the false rhetoric of the "drug war", the ties between patriarchy and fascism, and the ideology behind sexual liberation. Produced by Nanette Rainone and Paul McIsaac.

L'Amfiparnaso / The western wind (Episode 3 of 33, Part 2 of 2)

A performance of Orazio Vecchi's late 16th-century madrigal opera L'Amfiparnaso (1597) by a cappella vocal ensemble The Western Wind. This recording opens with an announcement of upcoming Free Music Store performances. Eric Salzman introduces the second part of the program.
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