
Problems of youth (Episode 1 of 3)

First of a three-part series dealing with Chicano adolescents in a depressed East Los Angeles area. This program is introduced by Mike Tigar, who then allows the young men to speak for themselves - about jobs, school, police, parents, etc. The comments were recorded, transcribed and selected for broadcast by the participants themselves.

Mother (Episode 1 of 14)

In its first month of production, WBAI's 99.5 Radio Theatre presented this comedy by Don DeLillo which concerns a bed, a great many articles in one issue of the New York Times, and three members of the white race. Starring Frank Whiteman as Ralph, Holly Turner as Sally, and Joan Farber as Mildred. Directed by Christopher Strater. Technical production by Sam Sanders.

The death house letters of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (Episode 10 of 14)

Selections and excerpts from a two-year correspondence between Julius (1918-1953) and Ethel Rosenberg (1916-1953) as they awaited execution in the death house at Sing Sing Prison. The readers are Gerald Fritz and Lois Adler. Narrated by Eric Nord. Directed by Lois Adler for WBAI's 99.5 Radio Theatre. This recording was formerly cataloged as BB3830.08.

Romeo and Juliet (Episode 27 of 29)

The Word Players perform a fragmented, splintered version of William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" for WBAI's Mind's Eye Theatre. The cast includes Gil Jardine, David Haight and Edgar Walker as Romeo; Susan Miller, Sherry Pockell, Ann Rivers and Julie Scherer. Music mixed by David Kavanaugh. Production assistant: Ann Goldberg. Technical direction by David Lerner.
No box scan has been included in this record, because the box is literally a plain, white box with nothing on it except the PRA Archive number.

Guest of honor (Episode 28 of 29)

A radio adaptation of a short play by Howard Pflanzer based on events that transpire over the course of a party. Featuring the voices of Joanne Hill, Yvon Dihe, Charles Woodruff, Angela Cheyne, and Lew Patterson as the voice of Tibor. Technical direction by David Rapkin. Directed by Sarah Sanders for WBAI's Mind's Eye Theatre. This recording was formerly cataloged as BB3818.20.

The girl had guts (Episode 18 of 29)

A dramatic reading of a short story by Theodore Sturgeon (1918-1985), one of America's foremost writers of science fiction, for WBAI's Mind's Eye Theatre. Performers are Ann Rivers, Frank Coffee, and Baird Searles. The story is used by the kind permission of the author. This recording was formerly cataloged as BB3818.17.
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