KKK Cancels MLK Day Rally; Why I Oppose the War in Vietnam
KKK Cancels MLK Day Rally More than 300 people assembled Sat. on the Capitol steps in Madison, WI. They gathered together to affirm the legacy of Dr. King's dream and to celebrate his life. The KKK had planned to rally on the capitol steps on the same day but cancelled their event in the face of mass public disapproval. GUEST: James Cameron, Survivor of a 1930 Klan lynching; founder/President of America's Black Holocaust Museum. GUEST: Phil Wilayto, coordinator of Jobs Are a Right Campaign and author of the report "The Feeding Trough: The Bradley Foudnation, The Bell Curve and the Real Story behind W-2, Wisconsin's National Model for Welfare Reform." Why I Oppose the War in Vietnam Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave this speech at the Riverside church in NYC on April 4, 1967, exactly one year before he was assassinated. In this lesser known address, he criticizes the growth of the military industrial complex and American involvement in Vietnam. TAPE OF: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. speaking at Riverside church in NYC April 4, 1967.