Y2K and Nuclear Weapons; Massacre in Kosovo; Clinton's Defense Team
Y2K and Nuclear Weapons Millenium approaches and anit-nuckear activists around the world are sounding alarms at the possibility that computer malfunctions caused by Y2K could jeopardize public safety. The Defense Department announced that all its computer systems deemed critical to national defense are safe. Activists say they haven't done enough to ensure no chance of disaster. GUEST: Dr. Helen Caldicott, a pediatrician who is founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility, as well as tof the new group Standing for Trugh in Radiation (STAR) GUEST: Dr. Michio Kaku, professor of Nuclear Physics at City College. Massacre in Kosovo NATO Commander Wesley Clark is holding emergency talks today with Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevik, following the killing last week of 45 ethnic Albanians in the southern province of Kosovo. the talks foolow Yugoslavia's expulsion of U.S. Ambassador William Walker, who heads a Kosovo verification mission monitoring the three month old cease-fire in the province. GUEST: Jonathan Landay, National Security Correspondent for the Christian Science Monitor, focusing on the Balkans. Clintons Defense Team White House lawyers are mounting an aggresive defense of President Clinton only hours before he delivers his State of the Union address. In opening arguments before the Senate, Clinton's defense team was focusing on conflicts in testimony gathered by independent counsel Kenneth Starr. This shift in strategy aims to undercut House charges of perjury and obstruction of justice, according to sources. A look at Clinton's defense team, who they are and where they came from. GUEST: Bruce Shapiro, Editor at the Nation and writer for Salon. GUEST: Naftali Bendavid, national affairs correspondent for the Chicago Tribune