Abbie Hoffman from WPFW.

Speech on U.S. policy in Central America, the role of student activism, and hope for the future. He begins by pointing to the misplaced emphasis upon illegal drugs as the #1 problem in the United States.

Ron Dellums : California Democrate from the 8th Congressional district.

Speech on American politics and the role of the common man in changing the system. He calls for a focus upon the structure of covert operations, national militarism and the role of the military in the Iran-Contra affair, and how covert actions are opposite of Democratic principles.

How do I revitalize my career? / Price M. Cobb.

President of the Pacific Management System, and co-author of Black Rage, as well as The Jesus Bag, speaks on how to reevaluate your life and goals. He challenges the listener to ask: am I in the right business, what are my abilities, what is my personal value system, and what are my goals which reflect those values.|HOW DO I REVITALIZE MY CAREER? / Price M. Cobb.

They would not want to be Black here / James Baldwin.

Speech on the condition of Blacks in a white-dominated United States. He argues that the Civil Rights movement represents only a recent slave revolt, with its leadership assassinated (Martin Luther King, Malcolm X., etc.).

Eleanor Holmes Norton.

Address at a meeting of the Committee on Policy for Racial Justice. Norton addresses herself to the first generation of designated Black leadership--Blacks who have been appointed or elected to their positions.

Asa Hilliard : free your mind.

Lecture tracing the roots of western culture an science from its origins in Black Africa. Hilliard rejects the Euramerican, Eurocentric interpretation of history of the last 200-300 years, arguing instead for innovative original research into the unedited ancient primary sources in Africa.
Displaying items 211 - 220 of 399


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