Women in publishing / produced by Viv Sutherland.

Presentations by eight feminist representatives of women's groups at several major publishing houses in New York City, followed by a discussion on the status of women in publishing. Bonnie Harrington from the National Organization for Women introduces the panel on sexism in the work places where text books are produced.

Women in Russia / Diane Feeley.

Lecturing before a class at the National Organization for Women (NOW) offices in New York, Diane Feeley discusses the role of women in Russian history. She relates the early oppression of women in old Russia, when women were nothing more than chattels to their husbands.

Women's liberation in China / Diane Feeley

Diane Feeley, coordinator of National Organization for Women, New York (NOW-NY)'s Women in the Arts Committee, lectures on the struggle of Chinese women for liberation from their traditional subservient roles. She traces the history of women's labor unions and self-defense groups, and the effect of the 1949 revolution on ending such barbaric practices as slavery, foot-binding and child brides.

The incest taboo / Mariam Slater.

Discussion of society, incest, and institutionalized marriage outside the family with Anthropology Professor Mariam Slater of Queens College.

Women, culture, and society / Diane Feeley.

An historical examination of the development of women's societal role traced by Diane Feeley, Coordinator of Women in the Arts Committee of National Organization for Women (NOW), New York. Feeley gives examples of past societies in which women were more productive and played a far more active role than our own.

Women and alienation / Connie Sutton

Lecture by Connie Sutton, anthropologist at New York University, on women and alienation. Produced by Viv Sutherland in cooperation with National Organization for Women-New York (NOW-NY) and NOW's Women in the Arts committee coordinator Diane Feeley.
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