Women and radical psychiatry

Three women from the Radical Psychiatry Center in Berkeley, Savannah Gravich, Hogie Wyckoff, and Anita Friedman, discuss what radical psychiatry is and how women in particular deal with their their oppression in problem-solving groups. They also talk about the radical psychiatry "community" and what it has to offer to people in political movements. The interviewer is Anita Frankel.

Jane Fonda on Vietnam: in defense of Pat Chenoweth

Jane Fonda speaks at the University of California in Berkeley on January 29, 1973. She gives an anti-war speech at a rally for Pat Chenoweth, a soldier facing charges of mutiny in Vietnam. The tape is courtesy of the Chenoweth Defense Committee. She speaks about the Mekong Delta, Nixon's role, and the resilience and strength of the Vietnamese.

She who is electric / Judy Grahn.

Women-loving poems by poet Judy Grahn (1940 - ), including She Who and The Common Women series. Also Edward the Dyke, a short story based on real experiences, in which a woman confused and ambivalent about lesbianism is confronted by her head-shrinker and his battery of pseudo-therapeutic analyses and methods.

Kim Pontier interview.

Prisoner's wife discusses the fasting of her husband and ten other anti-war prisoners from Missouri. Interviewer's name not given on tape, recording fades out early.

The articulators of the Negro revolt (Part 2 of 2)

Part two of a documentary prepared for the CBC (Canada) and ABC (Australia) by Colin D. Edwards from speeches, interviews, and discussions recorded at the Negro Writers' Conference at Asilomar, California.

April 22nd Coalition press conference

This is a recording of a press conference during which various community members from the Bay Area give statements opposing the Vietnam War and specifically the bombing of Hanoi on April 16, 1972, and then give information about the demonstration being held the next day, April 22, 1972, at Kezar Stadium in San Francisco. Larry Bensky is heard asking questions at start and finish of tape.

To be a full human being / Margaret Mead.

Margaret Mead delivers the opening keynote address at the annual conference of the National Council of Teachers of English, held in Minneapolis, Minnesota in November 1972. The theme of the conference is "To Be a Full Human Being," which derives from a quote from Mead.

Terry Garthwaite in concert.

Terry Garthwaite from Joy of Cooking with Fritz Kasten and David Garthwaite, in concert at the U.C. Art Museum October 1, 1972. The performance was part of the Bay Area Festival of Women's Works. Women in the Arts is produced by Jan Legnitto. Contains 16 seconds of tone at top of Part One. No intro or outro.
Displaying items 671 - 680 of 2241


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