The Beat Poets Of San Francisco

The Beat Poets Of San Francisco / KPFA| Production and engineering by Lili Francklyn and Michael Yoshide. - See AZ0250A (reel 1) for summary description. - BROADCAST: 13 Mar. 1979, 4 pm.

The Beat Poets Of San Francisco

The Beat Poets Of San Francisco / KPFA| Production and engineering by Lili Francklyn and Michael Yoshida. - This program is a retrospective of the poetry and jazz of the San Francisco beat scene of the late 50s.

Four Decades And Three Continents : An Interview With Wilfred Burchett

Four Decades And Three Continents : An Interview With Wilfred Burchett / interviewed by Alan Snitow and Bob Manning. - Wilfred Burchett, a world correspondent with forty years experiences, discusses his life adventures. CONTENT: Burchett discusses developments in Southern Africa during his recent trips there.

Sociobiology And Society

Sociobiology And Society / Kenneth Boulding, Sherwood Washburn, and George Wald. - SERIES: Sociobiology symposium of the American Assocation for the Advancement of Science| no.

Sociobiology And Society

Sociobiology And Society / Kenneth Boulding, Sherwood Washburn, and George Wald. - SERIES: Sociobiology symposium of the American Assocation for the Advancement of Science| no.

Sociobiology : The Problem Of Human Choice

Sociobiology : The Problem Of Human Choice / Garrett Hardin, Karl Pribam, John R. Searle. - SERIES: Sociobiology symposium of the American Assocation for the Advancement of Science| no.
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