The C.i.a., The Persian Gulf, And National Security

The C.i.a., The Persian Gulf, And National Security / Philip Agee. - Philip Agee, the first CIA Secret Operations Officer to go public 20 years ago, speaks on role of the CIA in the 1992 Gulf War, as well as how the agency helps define issues of National Security which then determine foreign policy.

Laurie Anderson On Herself

Laurie Anderson On Herself / interviewed by Chalres Amerkhanian. - SERIES: Ode to gravity - Laurie Anderson, noted experimental composer and musician, discusses various avant garde music styles.

Laurie Anderson On Herself

Laurie Anderson On Herself / interviewed by Chalres Amerkhanian. - SERIES: Ode to gravity - Laurie Anderson, noted experimental composer and musician, discusses various avant garde music styles. She discusses how she is part musician, part storyteller, and the harmonics, style, and music recoridng process.

May Day! May Day!

May Day! May Day! / Helen Caldicott. - Speech by Helen Caldicott about the problems with the United States politics and economy, and how those factors are leading to the destruction of the world environment.

Voodoo Economics And Class Welfare

Voodoo Economics And Class Welfare / Michael Parenti. - Voodoo economics, a term coined in 1980 by Republican Presidential candidate George Bush about his then opponent Ronald Reagan. Bush became Vice President and and stopped mentioning Voodoo economics, but instead began to practice supply-side economics.

Voodoo Economics And Class Welfare

Voodoo Economics And Class Welfare / Michael Parenti. - Voodoo economics, a term coined in 1980 by Republican Presidential candidate George Bush about his then opponent Ronald Reagan. Bush became Vice President and and stopped mentioning Voodoo economics, but instead began to practice supply-side economics.

Forum on the movie J.F.K.

Forum On The Movie JFK / produced by Tecum Magazine. Panel discussion of how the Oliver Stone film J.F.K. presented evidence concerning the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Includes background on Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby. PANEL: Peter Dale Scott, Professor of English and U.S. Berkeley.

A Tribute To Henry Miller

A Tribute To Henry Miller / interviewed by Ben Grauer. - Interview with authro Henry Miller, best known for the novel The Tropic of Cancer, and the heated controversy surrounding its publication on the basis of obscenity charges. Miller discusses his writing, his contributions to the world of literature and art, and his battle against censorship.

A Tribute To Henry Miller

A Tribute To Henry Miller / interviewed by Ben Grauer. - Interview with authro Henry Miller, best known for the novel The Tropic of Cancer, and the heated controversy surrounding its publication on the basis of obscenity charges. Miller discusses his writing, his contributions to the world of literature and art, and his battle against censorship.
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