What it's like to be on general assistance (Episode 2 of 2)

The second program includes talks by State Senator Nicholas Petris, Berkeley City Councilman Ronald Dellums, and the director of the Oakland Economic Development Council, Percy Moore, as well as testimony by welfare recipients and social workers. Prepared and narrated by Don Porsché.

New writers forum: March 28, 1968 (Episode 5 of 7)

New writers forum Episode 5 of 7. Lew Welch and Phillip Whalen preside over a program of poetry including themselves, David Meltzer, Charles Upton and Terrance Cuddy. Recorded at the Straight Theatre in San Francisco and broadcast live on March 28, 1968.

The South wants to help, too (Part 2 of 2)

This second half of the recording of speeches from the banquet held for the Southern Committee to Elect the Next President of the United States on June 17, 1963 features the concluding speech made by Tom Anderson, syndicated columnist and president, editor in chief, majority holder, and publisher of Farm and Ranch Magazine. Recorded by Dale Minor.

One billion seconds later: the social history of LSD-25 (Part 1 of 2)

This is the first half of a documentary on the hallucinogenic drug LSD, from its discovery at Sandoz Laboratories in 1943, through the halls of academe, to Golden Gate Park and beyond, told with the help of Michael Horowitz, director of the Fitz Hugh Ludlow Memorial Library.

Lady Day : Billie Holiday (Part 2 of 2)

Conclusion of the biographical program on the "Lady with the Gardenia". On this reel are the voices of Dizzy Gillespie and Lena Horne in San Francisco, Studs Terkel in Chicago, and Frank Schiffman at Harlem's Apollo Theater.

Lady Day : Billie Holiday (Part 1 of 2)

Years after her death in New York City, Billie Holiday's voice continues to captivate listeners. The mystique of the "Lady with the Gardenia" is explored by Dizzy Gillespie and Lena Horne in San Francisco, Studs Terkel in Chicago, and Frank Schiffman at Harlem's Apollo Theater.
Record in box says "No cassette sales."

Abortion on demand : a debate

Representatives of pro- and anti-abortion groups debated the issue of abortion on demand at the Militant Forum in Oakland on October 29, 1971. The pro-abortion position was advanced by Brenda Brdar, a member of Female Liberation and the Women's National abortion Coalition; and Dr. Joan Ullyot (pronounced Elliot), a pathologist at the University of California Medical School. Dr.
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