Women speak out against fascism (Episode 3 of 12)

A panel at the conference called by the Black Panther Party the weekend of July 18-20 in Oakland. Panel speakers are Roberta Alexander, Marlene Dixon, Evelyn Harris, Carol Henry, Penny Nakatsu, and Carol Thomas. Panel is introduced by Marie Johnson. Originally aired during KPFA's Open Hour, 1969-08-11.

Gay freedom day 1978

Program produced by Philip Maldari. This sound portrait of the parade held in San Francisco for the 8th Gay Freedom Day in 1978 includes an excerpt from Harvey Milk talking to KPFK, parade-goers interviewed about Anita Bryant and the Briggs Initiative.
KPFA Folio notes, June 1979, p.1: While pleased to have won the award, [Maldari] does not feel very comfortable with the 'special interest' category. "What is special interest today is general interest tomorrow."

Pacifica: a historic look after 30 years / produced by Peggy Stein.

Review of the major causes championed by Pacifica radio. Lewis Hill, HUAC, blacklisting, Vietnam war, free speech movement, First Amendment rights, avant garde music and poetry, marijuana, Black power, obscenity, Nixon, the FBI, and telecommunications satellite.|PACIFICA : A HISTORIC LOOK AFTER 30 YEARS / produced by Peggy Stein.
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