
Dylan Thomas : writers and writing / Cynthia Sears

In this program we hear the Caedmon recording of Dylan Thomas (TC 1157), first part played comes from a BBC broadcast in 1949; second part from UC Berkeley in 1950. Self contained. Program host is Cynthia Sears. Produced by "LAM".

International Woman's Day Coalition of Labor Union Women

The International Women's Day program for 1981 features four members of the Coalition of Labor Union Women: Ruth Miller, President of the Los Angeles Chapter; Linda Paquette, editor of Chapter Newsletter, CLUW; Rose Unger, California Federation of Teachers union member; and Cheryl Parisi, American Federation of State-County Municipal Employees.

Maryknoll Sisters on Leon, Nicaragua, 1981

Talk by Maryknoll Sisters recorded during a June 1981 visit to Nicaragua by a study group of KPFK listeners. Two sisters, Julie Miller and Pat Murphy, talk about their work in Leon, Nicaragua. Background to the Maryknoll Sisters order (Catholic) is given and how they became involved in the Nicaraguan revolution, and how siding with the poor marginalized them. Music and narration.

Angela Davis at Occidental College

Angela Davis, faculty member at San Francisco College, and sponsored by the Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, speaks at Occidental College during Black History Month about her experiences with African American struggles during the 1960s and on to the present and the benefits of civil rights actions for all minorities.

Rosa Parks: Alabama bus boycotts start

Box label: Voice of Rosa Parks heard by phone telling her story of refusal to give up her seat to a white man on a bus [in Montgomery, Alabama December 1, 1955 sparking the anti-segregation bus boycotts]. She tells this same story in a much younger sounding voice in a 1962 broadcast by Sidney Rogers: Archive #BB0566.

Eight minutes to midnight

This is an interview with Victoria Watermark, head of the Helen Caldicott project in Los Angeles on the Caldicott film, "8 Minutes to Midnight" and the nuclear freeze petition. Interview conducted and program produced by Roy Tuckman. Film was playing in Los Angeles until January 4, 1982.

Sojourn Shelter for Battered Women

This program was produced to be broadcast during Domestic Violence Awareness Week. This interview with Dorothy Hudson of the Sojourn Shelter for battered women, in Los Angeles, takes up some of the issues. Interview conducted and program produced by Jeannie Pool.
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