
The Negro writer in America

On the second day of the Negro writers' conference held at Asilomar, KPFA reporters Kenneth Rexroth and Al Silbowitz asked the first three conference speakers, Saunders Redding, Harvey Swados, and LeRoi Jones (Amiri Baraka), to join them in a discussion about the conference thus far. The panel discusses the audience at the conference so far, and the problems and promise of Black authors.

Lena Horne / interviewed by Gene De Alessi.

"Lena: a sound portrait of a multifaceted lady." Lena Horne (b. June 30, 1917; d. May 9, 2010) is interviewed at San Francisco's Fairmont Hotel by KPFA's Gene De Alessi in conjunction with the release of her autobiography.

The writer in contemporary American society

Talk by Harvey Swados on the role of Black authors in American society given at "The Negro Writer in the United States" conference, sponsored by the University of California Extension school.

Ideological forces in the work of Negro writers

Horace Cayton delivers a talk on the influence of Marxism, psychoanalysis, Negritude, and African Nationalism on Black authors. The talk was given at “The Negro writer in the United States” conference sponsored by the University of California at Berkeley, on the grounds of Asilomar State Park from August 5-9, 1964.

John Hope Franklin interviewed by William Swanberg (Part 1 of 2)

Dr. John Hope Franklin, author and professor of history at the University of Chicago, discusses American Blacks and the problems of integration at a public appearance under the auspices of the University of Chicago Club. He is interviewed by William Swanberg. Part one.

The New equality

Late in the evening of the second day of the Asilomar conference, Al Silbowitz moderated this panel with no audience during which was discussed Nat Hentoff's new book The New Equality. Panelists were Nat Hentoff, Ralph Gleason, LeRoi Jones (Amiri Baraka), and Kenneth Rexroth.

An organ for protest : the Negro press

Hoyt Fuller of the Negro Digest, Louise Meriwether of the Los Angeles Sentinel, Bettye Hughes of the San Francisco Sun Reporter, and Norm McGhee discuss Black publishers and publishing in a panel moderated by Al Silbowitz.
Displaying items 1231 - 1240 of 1405


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