
An integrated project in Georgia

Charles M. Sherrod, director of the Southwest Georgia Project, and Joe Pfister, a University of California graduate and a fieldworker for the project, talk with Elsa Knight Thompson about their efforts towards integration in housing and their community. Mr.

Stokely Carmichael on Black Power

Speech given by the chairman of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, Stokely Carmichael, on October 29, 1966, at the University of California, Berkeley, during the Black Power Conference sponsored by Students for a Democratic Society. Ivanhoe Donaldson introduces Mr. Carmichael.

Coming of age in America / Margaret Mead.

Anthropologist Margaret Mead (1901 - 1978) delivers a talk at Diablo Valley College on the pressures of adolescence in America from an anthropological perspective. She addresses some of the problems teenagers face in the current day, the genesis of these problems, and what one can do about them. This recording is different from BC1042.06 though they share the same title.

What is Montessori / Mario Montessori and Lena Wikramaratne interviewed by Elsa Knight Thompson

WHAT IS MONTESSORI? / Mario Montessori and Lena Wikramaratne interviewed by Elsa Knight Thompson. Mario Montessori is the son of the founder of the famous Montessori system of education, and Miss Lena Wikramaratne is the West Coast Director of Association Montessori Internationale teacher training program. In this program, they discuss the experimental school for young children.

Asia's children / Jack Ling interviewed by Elsa Knight Thompson

Jack Ling is the Public Information Officer for the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) in Asia. During a recent holiday in the Bay Area he discussed, with Elsa Knight Thompson of KPFA, the enormous job UNICEF is attempting in Asia and the achievements made within their limited budget.

Shelter for the shelterless / Reverend Glenn Smiley interviewed by Elsa Knight Thompson

Elsa Knight Thompson interviews Reverend Glenn Smiley, Associate Secretary in charge of field work for the Fellowship of Reconciliation about their recent efforts to help provide housing to those in need. They talk about a new program for housing millions worldwide who have no dwellings, building fallout shelters and the threat of nuclear war to people who don't have proper shelter.

The work of Albert Schweitzer / Rhena Schweitzer Eckert interviewed by Elsa Knight Thompson

An interview with Rhena Schweitzer Eckert, daughter of Albert Schweitzer. She talks to KPFA Program Director Elsa Knight Thompson about her fears for the future of her father's hospital in Lambarene because of the small number of Black Africans training to become doctors. She spends six months a year in the Congo with her father and six months in Switzerland with her family.

Challenge to Negro leadership : the case of Robert Williams

In the thirty spare minutes before the next broadcast, KPFA host Chris Koch reads aloud the article "Challenge to Negro leadership" regarding NAACP leader Robert Williams, written by Julian Mayfield, and published in Commentary Magazine, April 1961.
Displaying items 1201 - 1210 of 1405


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